[DmonHiro] Re-CREATORS (BD, 720p) :: Nyaa ISS

[DmonHiro] Re-CREATORS (BD, 720p)

2018-02-28 12:17
File size:
10.3 GiB
Info hash:

edit: I downloaded the last BDMV from U2. Now it’s gone. I didn’t get a notification or anything. I did not notice anything wrong with the last episodes, so if there was something wrong with the BDMV maybe it wasn’t with the episodes? Please let me know if there is anything wrong with the last 3 episodes.

Well, this show started off really strong. The final boss is literally fanfic-tier and not enjoyable at all. Show does have Meteora and her fantastic recap episode, so there’s that. Overall, I think she and Mamika were my favorite girls though Magane was far more entertaining.

File list

    • Bluray Extras
      • Ad 01.mkv (12.3 MiB)
      • Ad 02.mkv (11.8 MiB)
      • Characters File #01.mkv (10.1 MiB)
      • Characters File #02.mkv (10.7 MiB)
      • Characters File #03.mkv (12.2 MiB)
      • Characters File #04.mkv (8.9 MiB)
      • Characters File #05.mkv (10.3 MiB)
      • Characters File #06.mkv (9.6 MiB)
      • Characters File #07.mkv (9.7 MiB)
      • Characters File #08.mkv (10.1 MiB)
      • Clean Ending I.mkv (41.8 MiB)
      • Clean Ending II.mkv (52.2 MiB)
      • Clean Opening I.mkv (40.2 MiB)
      • Clean Opening II.mkv (62.1 MiB)
      • Commercial 01.mkv (9.1 MiB)
      • Commercial 02.mkv (8.4 MiB)
      • Preview 01.mkv (11.9 MiB)
      • Preview 02.mkv (28.0 MiB)
      • Preview 03.mkv (33.0 MiB)
      • Preview 04.mkv (90.3 MiB)
      • Preview 05.mkv (8.6 MiB)
      • Preview 06.mkv (8.3 MiB)
      • Preview 07.mkv (11.9 MiB)
      • Preview 08.mkv (12.0 MiB)
      • Web Preview 02.mkv (4.1 MiB)
      • Web Preview 03.mkv (5.2 MiB)
      • Web Preview 04.mkv (4.9 MiB)
      • Web Preview 05.mkv (6.1 MiB)
      • Web Preview 06.mkv (6.5 MiB)
      • Web Preview 07.mkv (3.2 MiB)
      • Web Preview 08.mkv (4.4 MiB)
      • Web Preview 09.mkv (5.0 MiB)
      • Web Preview 10.mkv (10.4 MiB)
      • Web Preview 11.mkv (5.5 MiB)
      • Web Preview 12.mkv (5.2 MiB)
      • Web Preview 13.mkv (4.2 MiB)
      • Web Preview 14.mkv (4.6 MiB)
      • Web Preview 15.mkv (6.8 MiB)
      • Web Preview 16.mkv (13.9 MiB)
      • Web Preview 17.mkv (10.9 MiB)
      • Web Preview 18.mkv (14.5 MiB)
      • Web Preview 19.mkv (15.3 MiB)
      • Web Preview 20.mkv (9.3 MiB)
      • Web Preview 21.mkv (8.1 MiB)
      • Web Preview 22.mkv (4.1 MiB)
    • #01 - I Will Remember Everything That Happened To Me.ass (22.0 KiB)
    • #01 - I Will Remember Everything That Happened To Me.mkv (497.3 MiB)
    • #02 - ...That Wasn't Funny.ass (30.0 KiB)
    • #02 - ...That Wasn't Funny.mkv (436.7 MiB)
    • #03 - Don't Worry About What Others Said.ass (33.0 KiB)
    • #03 - Don't Worry About What Others Said.mkv (328.1 MiB)
    • #04 - If So, I Want To Protect What He Loved.ass (32.8 KiB)
    • #04 - If So, I Want To Protect What He Loved.mkv (345.4 MiB)
    • #05 - So, Why Don't We Have Ourselves A Guys' Night Out!.ass (38.6 KiB)
    • #05 - So, Why Don't We Have Ourselves A Guys' Night Out!.mkv (429.7 MiB)
    • #06 - You Are The One Who Knows Where Justice Lies.ass (28.7 KiB)
    • #06 - You Are The One Who Knows Where Justice Lies.mkv (445.1 MiB)
    • #07 - I Don't Want To Make A Mistake For The Sake Of The People Who Are In My Story.ass (27.7 KiB)
    • #07 - I Don't Want To Make A Mistake For The Sake Of The People Who Are In My Story.mkv (373.9 MiB)
    • #08 - I CHOSE This Way Of Life.ass (29.1 KiB)
    • #08 - I CHOSE This Way Of Life.mkv (354.7 MiB)
    • #09 - The World Requires Choice And Resolution.ass (27.3 KiB)
    • #09 - The World Requires Choice And Resolution.mkv (327.8 MiB)
    • #10 - We Know Exactly How You Think And How You're Fighting!.ass (25.1 KiB)
    • #10 - We Know Exactly How You Think And How You're Fighting!.mkv (479.2 MiB)
    • #11 - We Cannot Decide Where To Go But You Can.ass (31.7 KiB)
    • #11 - We Cannot Decide Where To Go But You Can.mkv (402.9 MiB)
    • #12 - Be Desperate And Draw Something Fascinating.ass (32.6 KiB)
    • #12 - Be Desperate And Draw Something Fascinating.mkv (407.9 MiB)
    • #13 - An Unpredictable Story That No One Knows Where It's Leading To.ass (31.9 KiB)
    • #13 - An Unpredictable Story That No One Knows Where It's Leading To.mkv (654.7 MiB)
    • #14 - I Feel Painful And So Useless That I Want To Cry But It's Fun Nevertheless.ass (30.8 KiB)
    • #14 - I Feel Painful And So Useless That I Want To Cry But It's Fun Nevertheless.mkv (371.4 MiB)
    • #15 - This Is Perfect! She Couldn't Have Been Any More Perfect!.ass (32.7 KiB)
    • #15 - This Is Perfect! She Couldn't Have Been Any More Perfect!.mkv (409.6 MiB)
    • #16 - This Is The Actual Beginning, Isn't It!.ass (30.2 KiB)
    • #16 - This Is The Actual Beginning, Isn't It!.mkv (519.5 MiB)
    • #17 - I Mean I'm The CREATOR.ass (24.9 KiB)
    • #17 - I Mean I'm The CREATOR.mkv (543.8 MiB)
    • #18 - As Long As We're Alive, We Have To Enjoy Our Lives To The Fullest.ass (27.5 KiB)
    • #18 - As Long As We're Alive, We Have To Enjoy Our Lives To The Fullest.mkv (462.2 MiB)
    • #19 - The Story Continues, As Long As There Is Someone Out There, Who Believes My Existence.ass (29.6 KiB)
    • #19 - The Story Continues, As Long As There Is Someone Out There, Who Believes My Existence.mkv (574.3 MiB)
    • #20 - Somebody Recieves The Power Of Creation.ass (27.8 KiB)
    • #20 - Somebody Recieves The Power Of Creation.mkv (656.9 MiB)
    • #21 - I Love You Too.ass (30.0 KiB)
    • #21 - I Love You Too.mkv (465.3 MiB)
    • #22 - Re-Creators.ass (30.7 KiB)
    • #22 - Re-Creators.mkv (426.3 MiB)

Did you sync the subs up to the BD or just copied them over from the TV version?

I actually like Altair. Can agree on everything else, though.

DmonHiro (uploader)


I like her too. But as an opponents she’s just not fun. She’s literally cheating.

sadly no h-scenes…nyaaaaaaaaa

Come on. Everybody knows that it’s Magane who is best girl.

DmonHiro (uploader)


Sorry, but my rule is that antagonists cannot be best girls.

You do know episode 2 out of sync right. Since they cut off the ending part of ep 1 to put it in ep 2

DmonHiro (uploader)


I didn’t think that was intentional so I just spliced it back the way it was on TV.

Encoded straight from the BDMV?

DmonHiro (uploader)


Yes. Last volume went up U2 yesterday.
Edit: This is weird. The last volume is no longer on U2.

This cartoon was just trash. Same goes for official subs. Thank you anyway tho. I’ll gladly add any 720p to my collection.

There was no Vol 8 on U2 in the first place. Here’s a proof:

hey you put lots of spoiler =/

Thanks for spoiling the show in the description…



While we don’t have support for a “real” spoiler markdown, you can do spoilers on hover like this: [spoilers on hover](/# "It was the butler all along!") if you really have to spoil the upload yourself.

Yikes @ the enormous spoilers in the description. This is not your best moment, DmonHiro.

Lying about your sources is a new low

While I don’t claim to know everything about the internal processes at the private tracker in question, the public log doesn’t show any volume 8 as someone above showed already:


Probably just re-encoded Beatrice. Wouldn’t be the first time Dmonhiro re-encoded someones encode and claimed it was straight from the BDMV.
Honestly surprised he’s retained Trusted status.

If tracker log might be altered by admins, my bot is collecting links from RSS every 5 minutes. Still no Vol 8 in the logs:

Why does this cancerous creator still have trusted status? Lying POS.

Shit subs, shitty re-encodes, lying, dropping massive spoilers in description of his uploads. Why does he still get to keep his trusted status?

So much hate ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

At last nyaa removed the green (trusted) status. Admins were blind all this time?

Soooo many salty people here <_<

DmonHiro (uploader)


No, I removed the trusted status for this particular torrent myself.

Honestly surprised he’s retained Trusted status.

Why does this cancerous creator still have trusted status? Lying POS.

Shit subs, shitty re-encodes, lying, dropping massive spoilers in description of his uploads. Why does he still get to keep his trusted status?

We’re re-evaluating his trusted status once we have our trusted guidelines out.

there are several missing subtitle lines in episode 3 @ 20:36

DmonHiro (uploader)


PixelNinja, sadly those subs were missing. No TV version I know of has those lines. Amazon just kind of skipped them.

“Trusted” people on Nyaa can’t be trusted anyome :)

Is there a fansub which does episode 3 and episode 5 (which needed translation of text)?

Instead of abandonning blog would you mind moving to adex?

I have almost all of your realeses and I would like more.

You’re wrong if you’re expecting normal people here.

DmonHiro (uploader)


I have no idea what Adex is. And the reason why the blog is abandoned is because I’m done releasing anime.

Hey sir, thank you for your work.
Can u please write which episode and in which parts are untranslated extra scenes?

Maybe ANTI_Nala_Anal meant Anidex?

So nice to just read the names for the subtitle files and break into a smile :)

What kind of smile…? You’ll find out when you ignore punctuations when reading the file names of subs…

Episode 3, 20:36 - 20:48 is missing subs
It would appear that several seconds were added to the BluRay that did not appear in the television version.

Could someone link me to a 1080p BD version of this show?

Is there another version of this? preferable 1080p

Can you please seed this if you have it I will continue to seed when Im done. Thank you.

gawd talk about a lot of trashing

if the subs are scuffed cuz timed to airing, use ones someone else fixed…

nevermind, those are not times right…