Shaman King 01 test sub zippydsmlee :: Nyaa ISS

Shaman King 01 test sub zippydsmlee

2018-08-05 17:41
DIscord Zippydsmlee#5434
File size:
84.1 MiB
Info hash:

This is a test to check out how bad the ts/colors/font pisses everyone off. Subs used from You-Vokr, NakamaSub and Soldats and will be named to easily use with Shaman King (DVD 480p) (NakamaSub) . I almost used yellow main subs but the pgs/vobsub I have allergies to these days lulz. I am mainly focusing on getting things to match soldats script, there were a few errors in the namakasub script, missing lines aside.


[b]When you’re referring to two people, you don’t say “everyone.” [/b]

I think the period should be after the parentheses…I think…lol(I’m from the southern US we don’t do English well down here LOL) Also only the first few eps are near pure sodalt softsubs(soldats original release being full hardsub). Ep 5,ect had alot of errors, I stopped at 5, 5 had more errors so I got it done then 1 and now doing ep 2-4, going over them and getting them fine-tuned. I am trying hard not to redo the karaoke lyrics since I like to do English lyrics hammered out of translations that fit the syllables/sounds and English words of the original. Here’s an example of my crap, also no youtube no more since I am done fighting them over my hobbies…… if it’s not fan lyric music videos its game streams with poorly claimed songs that got the account suspended.

Shamans Kings opening is almost as bad as Rental Magica’s Sora ni Saku …and yes I used “revive a soul” for yogimie in the opening to many syllables for mere “revive” to handle…I stopped there else I would play musical words till I could get enough words/syllables to fit in the general context of the lyric words… I don’t want to burn out soon so I will have to leave that till later…or never LOL.

When I get finished I will up 5 eps at a time, tho just the sub files, I added the video for this since it was small, its kinda slow going since I am a moody fck. LOL

Also looking at doing Shinrei Tantei Yakumo and Keijo since the BD releases the subs are rather bare, Shinrei Tantei Yakumo needs the least amount of work I may switch to it and get it finished first, I’ll use feeps script or at least their op/en karaoke not took a hard look at the scripts to see if feeps is much worse than the blu rays.

Oh fun QBT and Vuze are not uploading stuff right…but UT221 that wants to crash with a 50+ torrents on it runs fine… lulwut? LOL It should be working now I have this page in my favorites and check on it weekly. So if there is a problem let me know. Also if I could get the scripts(don;t even need a time format just line by line) for the eps(including soldats notes) I can do TS and QA.

Ya I forgot to update I don;t have a DA or twiter page anymore, had a metnal break down but this project stalled out hard since I can’t find sub/scripts to work with since I am no translator ><
I am on DIscord tho, Zippydsmlee#5434

File list

ZippyDSMlee (uploader)


Well it seems the hole gets deeper, past ep 18 or so its all soldats hard subs.

ZippyDSMlee (uploader)


Oh fun QBT and Vuze are not uploading stuff right…but UT221 that wants to crash with a 50+ torrents on it runs fine… lulwut? LOL It should be working now I have this page in my favorites and check on it weekly. So if there is a problem let me know. Also if I could get the scripts(don;t even need a time format just line by line) for the eps(including soldats notes) I can do TS and QA.

Any updates on these? I’m currently downloading the 1080p version and I need sub.

ZippyDSMlee (uploader)


No I need scripts if you can find scripts for the whole thing I can put them in but most scripts are hard subed after 20 eps are so. I don;t mind doing lite grammar work but I am not going to fix bot translations (I don;t fixing somewhat wonky English translations) and official English subs are for the censored release and end at 60 or so eps…its a bit of mess