You know how in fantasy stories the party is led by the Legendary Hero Of Bullshit carrying the Mystical Sword Of Deus Ex Machina (shout out to HBI2K)? Yeah, not this show. Our hero, Goblin Slayer, slays only goblins. That’s pretty much it, as a story. I jest, but it does make for a somewhat refreshing show because he isn’t some OP knight, or some chosen magician. He’s just a regular guy who hates goblins. A lot. Like, he can hardly remember the names of other hostile creatures. If you’re not a goblin he’s just not interested. But this is a good thing, in this world. Goblin slaying is seen a low level job so skilled adventurers don’t really go for it. Those that do are novice adventurers that… uhm… get slaughtered, if they’re lucky. This leaves the goblins to kidnap, rape and multiply to their dark hearts content. If it weren’t for GS, many villages would be gone by now. He’s joined by his new “protegee”, Priestess, who starts off as a naive girl who just wants to help people. After traveling with GS for a while she “gets used to it”. You’ll know what I mean.
While I did enjoy the anime a GREAT lot, I hate to say that the part I loved most about it was the absolute western “outrage” about the first episode. That was so funny. Shout out to ANN in particular for that one. I hope you all enjoy this fantastic dark anime and remember “Goblin Slayer will return”.
Comments - 47
Great anime. Thanks.
And they already announced the movie (LN vol. 5 adaptation).
DmonHiro (uploader)
They did? Goblin Paladin incoming, bro!
Ah yes, who can forget about the “trigger warnings” after the first episode.
When I thought the anime fandom couldn’t possibly get any worse…
@DmonHiro, here you go:
Why was there outrage?
DmonHiro (uploader)
There was outrage because the anime is promoting rape! Didn’t you know? You can’t portray rape in fiction because it’s just male fantasy. It’s done as pure fanservice. Ask anyone (on ANN that is).
I guess some people just don’t like watching girls getting raped by goblins. What a bunch of snowflakes amirite?
Does the movie adapt right after the anime, or do I need to read the LN or manga?
Just wait for SmugCat’s BD release.
Why is my avatar still broken.
dmonhiro is probably just a rapist tbh
DmonHiro (uploader)
But aHalokid, we’re not SUPPOSED to like seeing girls raped by goblins. We’re supposed to like seeing GS brutally killing goblins that rape girls. This is what confused me about the outrage: the main character is a guy who goes around killing rapists. How is that a bad thing?
Aflac, I did not know they were doing to. Would not have bothered. Oh well…
Also, herkz, those charges were dropped.
but thats how the format was in the light novel, did you expect to have been omitted all of that reference to an anime version?
Thanks for this! Lol, I remember the Tate no Yuusha Producer said “What outrage?” when one of the interviewer clown mentioned about the supposed “controversy” of the show. Because you can’t portray Female lying about Rape in fiction. It’s not like it actually happens in real life right? XD
Anyways, this is perfect until the movie comes out!
great work thanks
Go be outraged at actual issues in real life.
@ DmonHiro ANN has lost all credibility imho! Too much soap opera crap going on with their staff!
outrage lul, let them snowflakes melt in their tears. found the opening episode quite refreshing
@aHalokid: what we can expect from youtuber this day i wonder ? most of them review with panic and worse than that they have zero knowledge on what they reviews. put aside about an age restrict (honestly i feel like these people really think they can find any porn they download for free on internet can buy anywhere on the street) most of them not even know what is dark fantasy is and really think every fantasy fiction must look like a disney fairy tail. however thank to them, their review made people in asia who familiar with this kind of novel had a good laugh for months.
R da dem tiddies on episode 1 have nipples now? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yo can someone actually explain what they like about this anime (besides it triggering SJWs)?
Cause this was legit the worst thing I ever saw.
@RedHawk02 If you’re in to fantasy stuff with a dark and serious theme then this is probably for you. I find it above average, as I tend to watch more lighter stuff but I can get in to this kind occasionally. I’m shocked on the first episode as I don’t have any idea what’s about to happen, then I kinda understand what’s the whole series is all about.
umu… we need to see the BD comparison for academic purposes…
The funny thing is there was no trigger warning on the first episode, which is the one they got upset about. I was more annoyed by the trigger warnings. Stop wasting screen space.
Everyone who enjoys this anime is a rapist. See a therapist before it’s too late.
You used HorribleSubs subtitles from the 480p release but you didn’t correct the scale (resolution) so they look too large. You need to fix the scale and increase the font size to be suitable for 720p.
Also, if you insist on not muxing in subtitles then you might wanna consider putting them inside as “subs” or “subtitles” folder just for the sake of organization.
DmonHiro (uploader)
No, I don’t. The subs look the way I want them to look.
@aHalokid If what you mean is if we enjoyed Goblin Slayer fucking up them goblins then you’re might be right.
@Abunja nahhh BD still have the same heavy censored like tv. no nipples and a black fog still there.
@aHalokid or i just visit you tonight right in your bed room. that sound much more exciting !!!
Love reading the comments for this one! :) Thanks DmonHiro.
watching bad anime to own the SJWs ?
@DmonHiro I assumed you didn’t notice, but I guess you’re just an idiot. Noted.
Edit: It seems that you’re not just an idiot, you’re a moron as well. You took HS subs but didn’t bother to include their attachments (fonts).
Anime fandom’s worst aspect is being riddled with right-wing filth and internet trolls. Some anime fans not liking rape is hardly the worst thing about anime fans in general. The fact that you think it is probably means you’re one of the people who truly dwells at the bottom.
Everyone should know by now that DmonHiro’s releases are complete garbage, and it has nothing to do with his choice of anime. Him being a trusted uploader is a joke.
it is funny when a person hates an anime then makes them hate everyone else who watches it… what a joke…
and saying an idiot to the uploader on a anime released by not knowing that all of the uploader’s releases have same big fonts… that’s how he releases a BD… and that’s what he wanted… just find other sources if you don’t want it…
So I just finished watching this and I have to say, I really don’t get the hate. I mean sure it’s not a masterpiece or anything, but it is perfectly watchable to kill an afternoon. The cast of characters was likeable and voice acting fit their roles just fine. As for the people claiming this “promotes rape” maybe you want to watch the whole thing more closely? This anime “features rape” but doesn’t actually promote it. On the contrary the whole show take time to talk about the emotional scars of the girls taken by the goblins, and puts on emphasis on just how awful they actually are, and the long term affects on those taken. Shows that have the guts to show and talk about issues rather than bury their heads in the sand and pretend it doesn’t happen just so they don’t trigger sjw’s, should be applauded for doing so. I also liked that fact that GS wasn’t op in anyway, something that has become bog standard in modern anime.
Oh, and for those complaining about DmonHiro’s releases, please cut that shit out. I will be the first to admit I know next to nothing about bitrate, quality of subs, ect. What I do know is that DemonHiro releases a ton of anime BD’s on here we would not get to see otherwise as DmonHiro often releases ones that no one else has, and I find them to just fine. The subs are readable, rarely have mistakes, and I personally like the larger size. If you don’t like these releases, please do upload one of your own so we can all see how it’s done. The more BD releases the merrier. :)
Good to hear that.
Ty Bro you always have the series Im always looking for In BD to Encode I am surely doing this series when My system is Back up properly :)
Awaiting the movie, reading all the novels and manga again.
buying my goblino figma.
hugging my priest pillow.
Some complaints:
Is this Blue-Ray Rips from the Japanese version?