[DmonHiro] FLCL Progressive (BD, 720p) :: Nyaa ISS

[DmonHiro] FLCL Progressive (BD, 720p)

2019-06-03 11:06
File size:
5.8 GiB
Info hash:

Well, here we are, more then 18 years later, watching the first FLCL sequel. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t mind blowing either. I enjoyed it, and I do think it does have some interestin things about it. Animation’s pretty good, but it’s just not as memorable. Worth a watch if you enjoyed the original. Subs are from the Erai-Raws release. Sound is 5.1.

PS: I think Hidomi has a guro fetish. Also, Alternative is coming up.

File list

Thanks! did you just retime the subs to the BluRay that was released a couple months ago or just combined all the web releases as one?

wow—thanks! i was looking for this but i mostly found it in 1080p (which my potato pc cannot play)

Dude, how can your PC not handle 1080p? That’s some thrid world country type shit.

DmonHiro (uploader)


The subs are from Erai. The BDs did not have things split into episodes, just one large movie. So yeah, I timed them a little. Combining the web-episodes into one won’t work. The timing would still be way off.

@NoobSubs no kidding (i’m getting by)

Thanks for this follow-up as promised DmonHiro and for sharing it on Nyaa.

Thanks for timing the subs for the movie!

Movie version is better as one cohesive experience.

I really want to watch this but I’m a little intimidated by a 5.8 GB file as I only have 4GB of RAM, can my computer just load parts of it at a time or something? I guess if I don’t watch it all at once I can just keep track of the time where I left off in a notepad.

DmonHiro (uploader)


I’m hoping tyciol was making a joke.