Complete High Quality H265 12 Bit 1080p Blu Ray rip of The Ancient Magus Bride with only the extra AC3 audio files removed and minor language tag corrections but no extras other than OVAs. I l have improved the way the Blu Rays looked with a careful High Quality H265 12Bit Encode and have kept the TrueHD Audio and also the Subtitles as is. Please buy either the Blu Ray/DVD or DVD release of this so we can encourage more good releases like this. This release is best for TVs and monitors with HDR (WCG, Dolby Vision, Deep Color, 10 & 12 bit color, etc.) and surround sound systems with a Dolby TrueHD decoder. Standard systems may still get better video and audio using good computer codecs.
Comments - 39
BobP (uploader)
As everyone starts watching this, I would like feedback on how this looks on both 8Bit and 10or12Bit Setups and displays. If you have a capable 10 or 12 Bit display or TV (HDR, Deep Color, Etc.), the only way I know at this point is to use the K-Lite Codec Pack and use MPC-HC with LAV Video set to only 10 or 16 bit color spaces (I use RGB48 only) and Madvr as the output set to Exclusive Fullscreen and have MPC-HC in Fullscreen mode to see extra colors at all.
What is your source? Did all USBD came out?
BobP (uploader)
Yes. The USBD. I have both parts in a collector box now. I think everyone should buy this one at least new if not used to reward such a good US release. It is too bad the OVAs were not dubbed though, although that is common.
Do BD’s come in 12bit now?
BobP (uploader)
No. They are 1080p 8Bit native. The advantage to using 12Bit is to let the encoder expand the color scheme making bright colors brighter and darks darker and also the ability to have greater shades to show finer detail in dark scenes and “solid” colors like a wooden desk or an imperfect wall. But it can only be seen by a setup capable if decoding and displaying 10 or 12Bit. 8Bit software and/or displays may still see improvement by better color selection when reducing the pallet of colors from the 12Bit source but YMMV. I gave the X265 encoder plenty of time to carefully select how to stay as true as possible to the original while expanding the color range. It also did its best to “compress” the video for a smaller file size. That is why it took 10 days and pushed my 8 core FX-8350 running at 4.725Ghz to the limit the whole time. I was not thrilled with watching the CPU core and CPU socket temp hover around 172F but that is within the thermal design specs.
I’m afraid that’s not how it works at all
Nice but pls seed this
Hi bobp, As you recommend, I bought the Bluray releases, Mine are the ones from UK though. In any case, I see you said “only the extra AC3 audio files removed” , So I suppose the audios files are the kind of " TrueHd Audios without AC3 core"". I want to download this one to chek how work yours audios , cause I’ve got plenty of problems with AC3 Coreless Audios lately, upon all when I use VLC player. Do you think is a problem caused by the extracting of the AC3 core, the player or maybe something else? . Anyway , thanks for sharing this great anime.
BobP (uploader)
Ken-Sama, yes I understand about Meta data encoding used over HDMI between the video source and display and that color gamuts do not map exactly 1 to 1 due to display brightness limitations and darkness limitations in LED LCD TVs and displays. I was just keeping it simple by discussing the internal computer encoding format and besides the effect is the same, a wider color gamut which allows a wider brilliance and saturation range which leads to brighter, more balanced scenes and better color saturation. Satisfied?
BobP (uploader)
Charly, the AC3 is not a core but a separate audio coding track with less capability than TrueHD but they are both Dolby encodings. Either one can be selected with most player software but proper SPDIF passthrough must be enabled in the audio decoder (filter) for the AVR receiver to get it untouched ( I use a Sony STR-DN860 with 7.1 speakers) in order to hear the way it was meant to be heard. If you are just using multichannel speakers then you are dependent on how the audio decoder filter decodes it internally. What are you using to decode the TrueHD? I do not know how VLC does things and what filters it uses since I will not touch it. I recommend using the K-Lite Codec Pack with its included MPC-HC (Media Player Classic) and LAV splitter, video, and audio decoders (filters). Are you using LAV with VLC?
BobP (uploader)
gsk, I am constantly super seeding this but I only have 10KBs of upload bandwidth so it gets split between a dozen peers of the 80 I am currently connected to let alone the 96 in the swarm. So everyone else has to wait until one of those dozen gets a piece and they pass it on to everyone else and they are getting less than 1KBs each. In other words, be patient and let your computer torrent non-stop for days? and you will eventually get everything. It is going to take a while to get properly seeded. Speed is gained when there are many seeders in a swarm which will only happen after everything has been sent to the swarm and shared among enough completed peers which is slowed down by peers leaving without having shared pieces.
You mean 10mbps right? At 10KBs it would take months…
BobP (uploader)
Kom, not quite. You are confusing apples and oranges. 10KBs=10kbs X 8 and 10mbps X 8 = 10 MBps. But it is going to be slow for sure. Not everyone has cable internet. 4 pieces out there right now and 5,170 to go. Got brave and got stability at 200KBs. Starves my downloads but I will live with it for now.
curiously enough,Crunchyroll dubbed the OVAs in other languages.
Thanks for upping the rate!
Sweet, thanks for this! I’ll put it on my seedbox for awhile!
BobP (uploader)
PG1, seems Cruchyroll is beholden to certain foreign entitys or it at least appears that way. It may be that licensing got in the way even though the licensors decided not to dub the OVAs possibly also.
BobP (uploader)
Kom, I would like for people to see how this encoding turned out for me just as much as I would like to see USBD sales of this skyrocket to encourage other possible anime publishers to lean toward quantity AND quality in their releases. I know I am asking for too much but I try to be the optimist. I am also curious how much of the color improvements show through in different video setups.
BobP (uploader)
Mcyd, I would be immensely grateful if you could make a permanent spot for this on your seedbox unless you find it always eventually well seeded. I really worked hard on this one and I think it is the best that can be done with it. In my opinion it looks better than the JPBD I downloaded to compare it to. But I do not have the bandwidth to support my releases indefinitely though my machine runs 24/7 and I try my best to stop gap where I can. When I release something, it is because it is something I cannot find elsewhere so I make it for myself and then share it so much of my stuff is orphan or ignored. So I welcome any seedboxes or seeders who will help me.
If that’s the case you can give a ddl like mega or something so that others can cross seed it. At this rate it will take weeks to get this
BobP (uploader)
I doubt that. ddl would take just as long to feed originally.
BobP, yeah no problem. I’ll keep it up for a month, or longer if need be. It’s a 1 Gbps upload with unmetered traffic, so should be able to keep it going. At the moment of writing it’s at 76% and says it’ll be finished in about another 4 hours or so. After I start seeding if you want to turn off your poor PC go ahead. I think it’s done it’s job for now!
The sound isn’t very good at all! Sounds quiet. I’ll stick with Golumpa’s Release cause I’m big on sound and I find his even looks better too.
BobP (uploader)
Never, what are you using to play the audio? If you have a separate AVR receiver you have to control the volume from there because SPDIF passthrough does not control the volume from the PC. With my AVR receiver set for above 35 the explosive sound effects from my subwoofer shake my chest. And as I thought, improperly set up 8 bit displays may even look worse than they should.
BobP (uploader)
Mcyd, Many, many thanks. I am in a new priority data cycle so I will only be seeding anything from 3:05am to 5:55am. I limited my outgoing on this one to 1Kbs just to see what is going on when I do seed and I am still super seeding to poke at the weak pieces. Would you consider picking up my Karin Epo2 Sub Fix and Complete Yona of the Dawn? They have become orphans again without my help. Anything you can do will have my grateful appreciation.
like most people i am using a pc… I don’t have any issues with other truehd content, meaning it plays fine even though it is stereo. the sound just isn’t great quality. it has nothing to do with my setup cause I have 6 tb of anime that I watch through plex. I was just hoping to get a raw with the ac3 still intact cause thats what most people can run. If you could reupload the untouched episodes without removing audio or compressing that would remedy it for bothy groups I think, Cause as you are aware they’re was a lot of people still trying to download the almost raw version you had even though they’re were no seeds. 250 people I believe were cut off. Anyway Great show I just wish you would have left it untouched ie encoded with the proper audio meaning flac or ac3. That way the other remuxers would also have a base for their work as well.
BobP (uploader)
Never, that means your audio decoder is misconfigured and stripping out the TrueHD audio without decoding it and downmixing it. I have 14Tb of anime I do not know what plex is. I use MPC-HC (media player classic) from the K-Lite Codec Pack myself. I only do this because I want computer playable files for my own use and I share what works for me. But I do have a home theater setup hooked to my PC with a 4K (does 12bit in 1080p) TV with a Sony AVR receiver that has 7.1 surround speakers. So, I am not catering to anyone else and there are other vanilla releases out there. I am also encouraging you and others to buy the Blu Rays and DVDs like I do to support US publishers and play them directly for the best general experience.
K well plex is the most popular media player out there and there is nothing wrong with. It’s you’re newb encode dude. btw don’t try to school people on here about buying blu rays cause you’re barking up the wrong tree. Japanese companys purpusfully release two versions at least of the same anime. one lower quality one for uk, us and canada, and one better quality video version for japan. Also they are too lazy to do proper signs and songs so when a sign on the screen is in japanese you have to read down at the bottom the translation which takes away from the experience. What this site also offers is a properly done signs and songs track where the english lettering is placed over top of the japanese thus looking like it was made that way. further more there are too many still done in 720p like this one!! upscalled horriblly like its freeking 2006. They get away with it cause people keep supporting them by buying there half assed garbage they try to pass off as 1080p.!!! Enjoy
BobP (uploader)
Never, This is the exception to that because the JP & US video quality is the same, hence my encouragement. It is native 1080p. And I have not found one place in this encode needing signs since it takes place in England. And there are proper subtitles for the songs but not fancy. What you say is true for most US commercial releases but not this one. I may be new to video encoding and muxing but I have probably been programming and building computers longer than you have been alive so I can learn what I need to quickly but I am a Disabled Veteran so I will not be doing any fancy enhancements. And I am not going to reinvent the wheel if I find a program that will do the job as I have so far. VLC is actually the most popular media player these days but it will not do everything I want it to. Plex is also shareware based on Chrome and makes no mention of HDR, Deep Color, 10 or 12 Bit Color, or anything like that and reminds me more of WMP. If you have a smart TV you might as well use its media player. You need to properly research this USBD release and then apologize for all of your misstatements.
BobP (uploader)
Everyone, I am wondering how this release has been for you? I am really curious if the default settings on most players properly handle converting H265 12 Bit Color if you do not have the supporting hardware? And were there settings that allowed you to get somewhat better video going back to 8Bit Color? And the same thing of playing the Dolby TrueHD on systems that do not support it? Of course I would like to hear the experiences from those too who have some or all of the capabilities for 10 or 12 Bit Color and Dolby TrueHD? I made this for myself with the best encodings possible but it would be nice if others can appreciate it too. And of course if you like it I encourage you to buy either the BD+DVD or at least the DVD.
Wish there was a media info with the explanations…
BobP (uploader)
The media info is in my description. Everything is straight from the USBDs with the lesser AC3 audio removed and the video re-encoded from 1080p H264 8bit to 1080p H265 12bit. Nothing else was changed.
as long it’s play’s fine in my PC just grab it in x265 12bit color the file are smaller now
Thanks for the OVA!
BobP (uploader)
@BigMoo, You are welcome. OVAs covered some things not shown in the main series. However, I feel they are best watched last.
Thanks for this.
Also, Reading through the comments made me chuckle. Especially the one about Plex. Plex isn’t a player per-se. It’s library management software. Sure, it has a number of ways to play your content (like streaming it to your devices like a phone, tablet, or TV) The thing about Plex is that you have to subscribe to get HDR support. It will also transcode any audio or video that the client cannot play, which is probably what was going on with the complaints. Using the Web-UI on Chrome or Firefox would automatically force the audio to get transcoded and downmixed since Chrome and Firefox do not support 5.1 audio. Funnily enough, the Microsoft Edge browser does support 5.1 audio. Plex also has a stand-alone player that supports 5.1 audio, but as I said no HDR support at all unless you pay.
Jellyfin is a much better alternative to Plex, and it’s open source and free (even the HDR support).
BobP: “Got brave and got stability at 200KBs. Starves my downloads but I will live with it for now.”
hate to break it to you, but upload usage does NOT affect downloading. although, typically, unless you have CABLE internet, upload speeds are MUCH lower than download speeds. but whatever upload speed you have, you should just set your seed rate to 480kbps less than that (60kBps less), as that is PLENTY more bandwidth than is needed to request data.
BobP: “Everyone, I am wondering how this release has been for you?”
honestly, this looks almost identical in quality to the 13GB release here:
No better, no worse. At least not on VLC. i’m curious, what is it that VLC won’t do that MPC-HC does? the only thing i don’t like about it is it’s playlist system, but i don’t do playlists for video often, and i use WMP for audio files.
Neverexists: “I just wish you would have left it untouched ie encoded with the proper audio meaning flac or ac3”
actually, BluRay does not support FLAC. that is an end-user codec.
Neverexists: “K well plex is the most popular media player out there”
incorrect. in fact, FAR more people use MPC-HC than Plex. and if you go by Plex’s own stats, only 500,000 people have downloaded it so far, whereas VLC 3.0.16 has over 400 million downloads. MPC-HC could not be reached for comment, however, apparently 126 people reacted to their latest release, so…yeah.
having troubles with Plex playing TruHD is nothing new though:
it actually sounds like the problem you are having stems from the fact that you are used to playing STEREO and not surround sound, as stereo sound is usually in AC3, and TrueHD is almost always surround. in VLC the surround track sounds almost as loud as the stereo track from another release i’ve downloaded. although i have my sound card set to downconvert/downsample when needed too.
Neverexists: “Japanese companys purpusfully release two versions at least of the same anime. one lower quality one for uk, us and canada, and one better quality video version for japan.”
also incorrect. Japanese companies seldom release outside of Japan. typically, an anime gets “licensed” in non-Japanese countries by third party companies/distributors (depending on if it gets dubbed or just re-released there). it is up to these third parties to decide how to handle the release, including encoding quality, re-encoding, etc., and often they do no have direct access to the original source video, only the encoded Japanese copy. and everyone on this website knows what happens when you re-encode ANY video… and while BluRay subs are far better than DVD subs (which could ONLY be displayed at the bottom of the screen), many manufacturers sadly do not do things differently for their BR releases than they do for their DVD releases. which is why the “ASS” subs regularly used by fansubbers are so popular, especially with people like me ;)
but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t support the anime distributors, so that they will…keep distributing anime locally. after all, if people STOP buying the BluRays, companies will stop distributing them locally. i think we have been truly blessed to have had as many shows DUBBED as we have (although many of MY faves are still only available in Japanese).