ハガレン研究所DX | Fullmetal Alchemist Institute DX :: Nyaa ISS

ハガレン研究所DX | Fullmetal Alchemist Institute DX

2019-08-17 00:43
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1.5 GiB
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A guidebook from 2004 for Fullmetal Alchemist. Features the ten characters who won the second(?) popularity poll in great detail, some 4komas, a few Q&As, the whole nine yards. 600dpi, scanned the non-color pages in black and white due to the book being old and yellowing. I don’t actually speak Japanese, but the title is like…“Research Institute” or something. IDK. I’m just here to provide images. Also, since it’s Hagaren, just “Fullmetal Institute DX” is probably better than what I have in the title, but I want it to show up when someone searches Fullmetal Alchemist. Such is life.

I have a TON of other FMA books I intend on scanning. Probably going to do the two non-translated guidebooks and the character-focused book from 2009(?) before I touch Chronicle. But I WILL scan Chronicle. Mark my words. (I have no intentions of scanning books that have been translated into English, though.)

More Symphogear scans when I get Symphogear books LOL

File list

  • ハガレン研究所DX.zip (1.5 GiB)

I’ve actually been looking for this, most of the shareraw links for this are dead. Thanks.

Thanks, man. You’re awesome!
I’m looking forward to Chronicle though! XD

gremlinroyale (uploader)


i intend on re-uploading this (and probably a decent chunk of my fma books) at some point, mostly because shenanigans occurred and i lost the specific zip but still have the image files