Fight Tension Depart (ファイテンション☆デパート)(Fight tension department store) is a 2007 TV show for kids showcasing a mix of flash based animations and live-action variety content.
The animation series are:
Cyber Warrior Dokan Saison 1 (電脳戦士 土管くん 第1期)
Arms Rally (アームズラリー)
Glittering Elementary School Celeb-chan (キラキラ小学生 セレブちゃん)
Olga’s Russian Language Course (オリガのロシア語講座)
30s Ketsu-saku Theater, At that time they thought! (30秒ケツ作げきじょう、その時、彼らは思った!)
Kakuza Father (かくざ父さん)
Each series are 11 episode.
Seeファイテンション☆デパート for more details
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