[DmonHiro] High School Prodigies Have It Easy Even In Another World! (BD, 720p) :: Nyaa ISS

[DmonHiro] High School Prodigies Have It Easy Even In Another World! (BD, 720p)

2020-05-26 21:57
File size:
4.9 GiB
Info hash:


A plane crashes in another world. Who was on the plane? Seven teenagers who just so happen to be the best X in the world, where X stands for: politician, inventor, journalist/ninja, magician, doctor, swordsman and businessman. Now they have to use their skills to bring peace to an fantasy land, as foretold by an ancient prophecy. Some might even find love. Or a family. Or might bring nuclear weaponry into the equivalent of Lord Of The Rings. Join them as they make the best out of a situation that could easily end their lives.

Oh boy, this was one hell of a ride. Now, I’m sure you’ve all heard this one before, so why should you bother, right? Well, this show with the stupidly long name does do some things right. And some things wrong. Most of the main characters are pretty one dimensional at first but do get some sort of growth. The problem is there’s a huge discrepancy. See, while all of them do come form “our” world, some of them don’t really belong there. You can group skills of the seven heroes in 3 categories:

  1. Plausible if somewhat exagerated:
    Tsukasa (the politician) and Masato (the businessman). Neither of them have any sort of super-human ability and use their wits to win their battles. Masato is by far the most entertaining of the 7 heroes, and his episodes were a delight. He gets a loli cat-girl as a sidekick after he saves her from slavery. Tsukasa is also interesting, but he’s depicted as a Gary Stu in regards to doing the right thing. He gets an elf love interest.

  2. Highly exagerated:
    Ringo (the inventor) and Shinobu (the journalist/ninja). Both are implausible, with Shinobu being almost super-natural. The reason Shinobu is in this cattegory for me is that we don’t really see her doing anything that borders on insanity in the show. She’s extremely fast and accurate, as expected of someone who was trained as a ninja. Ringo’s inventions are, for the most part, acceptable considering she has a portable nuclear reactor to work with. The nucaler reactor is a strech, but the purpose of the plate trip WAS to transport the thing, so I guess I can give it a pass.

  3. Holy shit, these guys are straight out of a battle shounen:
    Keine (the doctor) is Black Jack. She can do brain surgery with a saw. She starts off as a “normal” doctor but her feats keep getting more and more impossible as the show goes on. Aoi (the swordswoman) is Saber. She can run along side a missile and guide it. She was nuts from the start so there was really no surprise. Akatsuki (the magician) might as well have been from the fantasy world because he has actual magical powers. Illutionist my ass, this guy makes Kaito Kid looks like an amateur. He can somehow make his body invisible, leaving just a floating head. And he can fly, for some reason.

But a show is nothing without a good antagonist. And this show delivers: enter Gustav. It’s Kotomie (same voice) but this time he’s outwardly insane insted of holding it in. He steals every scene he is in because he is 101% insane and revels in it. The show’s worth watching just for this guy. He’s made of anger. At one point literally.

I had fun with this show. It’s not original, it’s not very clever and it’s not very well animated. But it’s a fun watch. If you want more isekai goodness, you could do a hell of a lot worse then this. Just… shorten the names, for the love of god.

Subs are from Erai.


PS: How are you guys enjoying my descriptions? I’ve decided to add a few questions about the show to each upload.

Question 1: What was your favorite character? Mine was Shinobu. She was so perky and cute.
Question 2: What was the most memorable moment for you? For me it was Gustav banging his head on the statue of the emperor.

File list

  • [DmonHiro] High School Prodigies Have It Easy Even In Another World! (BD, 720p)
    • Bluray Extras
      • CLean Opening.mkv (47.9 MiB)
      • Clean Ending.mkv (24.3 MiB)
      • Commercial 1.mkv (5.9 MiB)
      • Commercial 2.mkv (6.0 MiB)
      • Commercial 3.mkv (6.1 MiB)
      • Preview Episode 01.mkv (19.4 MiB)
      • Preview Episode 02.mkv (19.6 MiB)
      • Preview Episode 03.mkv (20.4 MiB)
      • Preview Episode 04.mkv (19.0 MiB)
      • Preview Episode 05.mkv (21.8 MiB)
      • Preview Episode 06.mkv (21.1 MiB)
      • Preview Episode 07.mkv (19.2 MiB)
      • Preview Episode 08.mkv (31.9 MiB)
      • Preview Episode 09.mkv (21.9 MiB)
      • Preview Episode 10.mkv (21.9 MiB)
      • Preview Episode 11.mkv (14.3 MiB)
      • Preview Episode 12.mkv (29.8 MiB)
    • Bluray Menus
      • Volume 1.jpg (264.8 KiB)
      • Volume 2.jpg (208.9 KiB)
      • Volume 3.jpg (232.1 KiB)
      • Volume 4.jpg (268.4 KiB)
    • 01 - High School Prodigies Have Arrived In Another World!.ass (39.6 KiB)
    • 01 - High School Prodigies Have Arrived In Another World!.mkv (404.8 MiB)
    • 02 - Masato Is Serious About Making Money!.ass (34.9 KiB)
    • 02 - Masato Is Serious About Making Money!.mkv (335.8 MiB)
    • 03 - It Seems Roo Can Decide Her Own Worth!.ass (34.2 KiB)
    • 03 - It Seems Roo Can Decide Her Own Worth!.mkv (377.2 MiB)
    • 04 - It Seems Tsukasa Has Resolved To Change The World!.ass (30.4 KiB)
    • 04 - It Seems Tsukasa Has Resolved To Change The World!.mkv (400.7 MiB)
    • 05 - It Seems Akatsuki's Becoming God Akatsuki!.ass (34.1 KiB)
    • 05 - It Seems Akatsuki's Becoming God Akatsuki!.mkv (335.8 MiB)
    • 06 - It Seems Lyure's Growing Close To Him!.ass (35.0 KiB)
    • 06 - It Seems Lyure's Growing Close To Him!.mkv (409.9 MiB)
    • 07 - It Seems Shinobu Has A Shinobi's Intuition!.ass (32.8 KiB)
    • 07 - It Seems Shinobu Has A Shinobi's Intuition!.mkv (354.1 MiB)
    • 08 - It Seems Aoi's Specs Are Greater Then Imagined!.ass (30.2 KiB)
    • 08 - It Seems Aoi's Specs Are Greater Then Imagined!.mkv (508.7 MiB)
    • 09 - It Seems Tsukasa Has Seen Through Everything!.ass (29.6 KiB)
    • 09 - It Seems Tsukasa Has Seen Through Everything!.mkv (448.2 MiB)
    • 10 - It Seems That Ringo Worked Up The Courage To Become A Hunter!.ass (35.6 KiB)
    • 10 - It Seems That Ringo Worked Up The Courage To Become A Hunter!.mkv (316.3 MiB)
    • 11 - It Seems Keine Can't Stand Naughty Boys.ass (35.3 KiB)
    • 11 - It Seems Keine Can't Stand Naughty Boys.mkv (315.2 MiB)
    • 12 - It Seems High School Prodigies Have It Easy Even In Another World!.ass (32.2 KiB)
    • 12 - It Seems High School Prodigies Have It Easy Even In Another World!.mkv (473.4 MiB)

ngl always a pleasure reading your descriptions. im almost tempted everytime to watch a show, i had skipped.

This show was great if you just think of it as a braindead Animu.

bahhh i not have problem even it is a braindeath anime as long as it was fun. however this one it just…well…awkward.

I liked the episodes with Masato the most, when he starts his business and ruins the evil rich guy, lol. And of course Roux, the loli catgirl.

I like the doctor. She needs more scenes.

Question 1:<
Shinobu as well

Question 2: <
These particular Shinobu’s moments

Loving all these new releases from Dmon ^^

DmonHiro (uploader)


I’ve got more where these came from.

At first my favorite was Ringo, then Rooko stole top slot through shear adorableness. However the scene with Black Jacks hot blond daughter Keine performing “adjustment surgery” on the guy trying to hook people on opium made her my favorite in the end. Her rant about God’s incompetent design was joker levels of crazy and I loved it. Also her explanation to Ringo about what to do on a date was pretty priceless too.

Good to have you back doing releases, someone else uploaded this too but there upload was 73 gigs…

Damn Dmon why not just spoil the entire thing? Since you gave the lowdown on the character development may as well give us their bday, blood type and all that too lol.

I think the description is good if folks don’t care about spoilers. It’s more descriptive too on what to expect for those that may have zero knowledge and may wanna give it a shot or not.

Like I wrote over at Lupin’s share of this this show’s premise was so dumb I just couldn’t get with it and had to ignore it. Thankfully as you too found out it got better later on. Them battles I thought were cool to watch. I would of liked a second season of this cuz it just got good and leaves you hanging. I wasn’t a fan of the mage everybody else was alright tho I think the Samurai girl needed more development.

@DrWolfnstine13 Where you think Dmon encoded this BD from along with the same guy who shared that 73 GB? From here https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1248766

@noZA_ Not really worried about where Dmon got it so much as that his encode is a nice reasonable size. Not everyone has a bandwidth cap that can handle a whole bdmv, or a 73 gig download for one show. Dmon’s was smaller and fine quality so I was thanking Dmon for that. If I had downloaded the BDMV @ https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1248766 then I would have given thanks to them for it.

Is there any booklets or anything from the BDs for this series?
Really like Shinobu but cant seem to find character designs etc of her ahaha, was hoping for a BD Booklet or the likes to enlighten me…

seeds please thanks ;)

Howdy - can someone please seed?