I don’t mind waiting, I will never pay for digital distribution
I implied that I know it has Denuvo when I said “I’ll wait for the crack”. The inability to pick up subtleties such as that is one of the reasons the industry has been able to get away with immoral and downright evil practices such as charging for digital distribution which is infinite and digital “deluxe”
@IroquoisPliskin @Finnboy It’s literally the actually sountrack for P4G even in Japan the added songs only that, the rest you can easily get with a copy of P4 for PS2 or online.
Comments - 9
Did they really only include 9 songs on the ost? What a rip off.
Finnboy (uploader)
@IroquoisPliskin yes, they really did. it’s disgusting
Digital deluxe? I wish that were a joke. I’ll wait for the crack so I can pirate the game.
The game uses denuvo drm so you will be waiting a while to pirate the game
I don’t mind waiting, I will never pay for digital distribution
I implied that I know it has Denuvo when I said “I’ll wait for the crack”. The inability to pick up subtleties such as that is one of the reasons the industry has been able to get away with immoral and downright evil practices such as charging for digital distribution which is infinite and digital “deluxe”
only 9 tracks?
does it really comes with mp3 160kbps?
Never have I ever been so happy not taking a deluxe edition, thanks a lot for the artbook! ;)
Most of the stuff is digital.
You can save that extra 5 dollar for something else
@IroquoisPliskin @Finnboy It’s literally the actually sountrack for P4G even in Japan the added songs only that, the rest you can easily get with a copy of P4 for PS2 or online.
Now…for the whole game…without Denuvo…