This is recorded from a South Korean TV station. Quality is far far away from better as its MPEG2 bitrate maxed at 6Mbps
Korean hardsubbed.
your buu buu desu wa weekly doses
EDIT : I saw tvk broadcast upload in Avistaz, but the encoder didn’t do the encode well, results in worse video (using ABR/CBR instead of CRF or 2-pass).
Comments - 4
japanese drama in korean tv ? damn, how i wish they do this to other country especially English speaker country .
Are Korean commercials included?
kresbayyy (uploader)
@urokugaeshi The drama itself runs for about 24 minutes per episodes. So yeah, there’s commercial break included as this is an untouched file, which means I didn’t do any edit or fixes of this file and follows my PVR preset.
Does anyone know where can I find Japanese subtitles for this show?
In this .ts can I download the subtitles?!