@zrdb : Why do you commit such a crime as removing the japan audio and let it only a shit english? If you despise the original, you should not touch anime anymore.
I’m not putting the japanese audio back in-I make these torrents to my personnel preferences, not yours so if it’s been dubbed it’ll be english only. Deal with it. BTW-this is a dvd remux.
This is NOT a DVD remux if you removed the Japanese. A remux is just that: you muxed the vob in mkv without removing anything. Dub only releases are trash anyway.
Comments - 12
Thanks for some 01d 5k001 goodness
zrdb (uploader)
Yer welcome-I’m gonna do some more oldies but goodies in the next few weeks.
Thanks hope you remain the JAP audio next time.
@zrdb : Why do you commit such a crime as removing the japan audio and let it only a shit english? If you despise the original, you should not touch anime anymore.
Oh no Its now a Cartoon …
you could remux the audio back to it from another release
zrdb (uploader)
I’m not putting the japanese audio back in-I make these torrents to my personnel preferences, not yours so if it’s been dubbed it’ll be english only. Deal with it. BTW-this is a dvd remux.
thats ok. but if a remux is really what someone wants then the mottoj release can be used as source for the audio track and subs
This is NOT a DVD remux if you removed the Japanese. A remux is just that: you muxed the vob in mkv without removing anything. Dub only releases are trash anyway.
zrdb (uploader)
Technically a remux can have stuff added or removed.
The torrent that started it all.
wtf is the Japanese Audio missing? wouldnt you normaly remove the english track not the japanese one o_O ultra weird…