I really tried to like this series, but I just didn’t. I was astonished that the main character, a magician, would say she’d be able to figure out how a cult leader was tricking her followers and then not be able to do it. TIme and time again. The magician was really as dumb as a box of rocks.
Comments - 5
I really tried to like this series, but I just didn’t. I was astonished that the main character, a magician, would say she’d be able to figure out how a cult leader was tricking her followers and then not be able to do it. TIme and time again. The magician was really as dumb as a box of rocks.
Kiyome (uploader)
haha everyone look at this pea brain. he doesnt understand the high iq comedy that is Trick
Trick was decent. I liked it. But taste is subjective. I like Razor Ramon HG and you might not.
seed please…