FIRST thanks lupin by upload the bdmv. i was a member of ADC i have like 100tb of material that i had to burn on blurays or anime dvd, i don’t have a u2 account because nobody invited me haha.
changes regarding the original bdmv i added the english subs that i found here and removed the audio commentary because it gave me problems when encoding. remember to share and seed and if you post it somewhere else don’t forget to mention the source.
report if there are any problems…
Comments - 12
wow wasnt this series just on air??
blurays come fast these days nice!
actually it’s a movie.
I see. Do you recommend it?? im looking for something fantasy to watch
it felt like a manga promotional. if you are a seasoned fantasy watcher go in with low expectations. if you haven’t watched a load of fantasy anime then this is an ok watch.
Leaker !!
i dont actually even know why i want these. most of the time the encodes are really good too and i actually end up getting one of them too, but its like the collection is incomplete without the source even if im never going to do anything with a unsubbed bdmv
@valid its an addiction, i have that too, i download anime that i dont even watch, just bc they are BDMV torrents
surume (uploader)
@valid in my case I collect blurays the ones I like I add subs and then I have to burn them in disc format because I don’t have much space and to think that 2tb used to be a universe haha
I store all my bdmv and bd remux’s on portable 5tb hdds-cheaper than using burnable bd discs. BTW-I thought this was fairly entertaining but wish ther had been more than 3 episodes.
Thanks. Wish you could have kept the commentary though.
I used to burn tons of BD-Rs too long ago (and dvds before that). But it became too much, too expensive, hassle to organize and very inconvenient to use for viewing. Now I use hard drives and NAS other storage PCs. I only burn discs for very special things I want to archive as they are still more reliable than HD
Do you have some tutorial to add subtitles to bdmv? pls
surume (uploader)
@wsigma i have a tutorial to create good subs in sup file only use the BDedit to add subtitles