TL: Eila & CR
Timing: Miporin
TLC: NinetyTwo
Encoding: An anonymous benefactor
OP/ED styling/kfx: Miporin
Editing: Eila & arvon2
Typesetting: arvon2
QC: Eila & Miporin
Warm thanks to /ak/-Submarines for use of their channel for this collaboration.
We’re still looking for a QCer at /ak/ for Girls und Panzer projects. If interested, send me a message:arvon2#6524
Comments - 5
Thank you! “Girls und Panzer projects” - what projects? The whole series, or just the upcoming film?
arvon2 (uploader)
The whole series. S1, OVAs, specials, movies, etc.
Are you not satisfied with the current AK rls? Or is it going to be a small revision?
To make it clear, I am doing translation to other lang from eng, but I could help, because I read every line properly in the process.
The thing is I am interested only in the upcoming film, since all previous have been done. Would you accept this little help?
arvon2 (uploader)
The current releases could stand to benefit by being touched up in many ways, so we’ve been doing as such.
The more help the better, even if it’s just the upcoming film. Shoot me an email at or on Discord at arvon2#6524 if you’re still interested.