Sources | |
Video | [Beatrice-Raws] |
Audio Track 1 | [deanzel] (Engllish 5.1 FLAC 24-bit) |
Audio Track 2 | [Beatrice-Raws] (Japanese TrueHD->FLAC 2.0 24-bit) |
Audio Track 3 | [deanzel] (English Commentary 2.0 AAC 113kb/s) |
Subtitle Track 1 | Signs/Songs [deanzel] (eng) |
Subtitle Track 2 | English (Edited) [WhyNot] (jpn) |
Subtitle Track 3 | English (Commie) [deanzel] (jpn) |
Subtitle Track 4 | English (Steins;Sub) [deanzel] (jpn) |
MediaInfo | |
Includes the episode 25 OVA, episode 23 β and the Soumei Eichi no Cognitive Computing shorts. Also includes the NCOP and NCED with subtitles. (The Cognitive Computing shorts don’t have dubs FYI).
This is sort of the best release you can get, Beatrice didn’t encode from the superior ITBD so because of that I didn’t put that much effort into this.
The differences between the subtitle tracks are very inconsistent so I’ll list the changes I made, for the WhyNot subtitle track all I did was take the raw dialogue lines and add them to the Signs/Songs track from deanzel. I also fixed some issues in the Steins;Sub track in episode 1 (layering issues, etc).
For the OVA (episode 25) there is no Steins;Sub track and for the shorts and episode 23 β I just used [kBaraka] modified WhyNot subs that you can see here and here. I also used [AOmundson] for English audio in episode 23 β. You can see their release here.
Commentary audio is present in episodes 1, 12, 19, and 24. TrueHD->FLAC also done by me.
If anyone ever encodes the ITBD before SCY releases this show, I’ll revisit these subs and make them better (there’s a lot that can be improved).
Sources | |
Video | [Kawaiika-Raws] |
Audio Track 1 | [AOmundson] (Engllish 5.1 FLAC 24-bit) |
Audio Track 2 | [Kawaiika-Raws] (Japanese LPCM->FLAC 5.1 24-bit) |
Subtitle Track 1 | Signs/Songs [Astral] (eng) |
Subtitle Track 2 | English [Astral] (jpn) |
MediaInfo | |
As I released this in the past there is not much to say this time around except the only updated files are episodes 3, 17 and 23 and the NCOP’s and NCED’s.
The episode updates are to add fixes from WSE on AB for some signs and the NC updates are to add subs to the NC’s.
A patch for the episodes can be found here.
Astral’s subs are based on LostYears subs and this includes the episode 24 OVA as well.
UPDATE 05/06/21:
The OVA is missing the first line so I have updated the above patch link (once again it is this link) to patch it back in, the CRC will go from [0B2F2876] (this torrent) to [D60659BD].
There’s also a patch to add a sign that lags computers a lot, that patch is at this link.
The CRC’s will go from [0B2F2876] (this torrent) to [7131F0EF]. You can see the sign in question here.
Sources | |
Video | [Beatrice-Raws] |
Audio Track 1 | [iAHD] (Engllish TrueHD->FLAC 5.1 16-bit) |
Audio Track 2 | [Beatrice-Raws] (Japanese 5.1 FLAC 24-bit) |
Audio Track 3 | [iAHD] (English Commentary 2.0 FLAC 24-bit) |
Subtitle Track 1 | Signs/Songs [Kametsu] (eng) |
Subtitle Track 2 | English [Kametsu] (jpn) |
MediaInfo | |
Kametsu’s subs are edited WhyNot’s, the TrueHD->FLAC conversion was done by me.
This is my second release of the movie due to the updated Beatrice encode. There are no patches due to the new video.
This took way longer than I wanted it to as Steins;Gate gave me many issues but it’s done, the subs from deanzel were surprisingly inconsistent so I’d like to revisit this and give Steins;Gate the proper treatment.
I’ll always be working on something new, so I hope you look forward to future releases by me.
I hope you enjoy watching this series as much as I did :)
Comments - 32
Great job
Have you thought of adding the subs from here?
Thanks for this definitive release!
Arid0914 (uploader)
i’ll consider it if I end up working on steins;gate again
did you read the list of “changes”? i’m pretty sure all of them are preference or actually make it worse by untranslating stuff. and i don’t know why anyone would want to make the translation consistent with the game’s translation because it’s not particularly good.
Very POG, now onto One Piece
Arid0914 (uploader)
@herkz no, i can’t read unfortunately so I couldn’t tell you
in all seriousness, half of the changes are ok the other half are kinda dumb but I wouldn’t mind going through it if I was to use it in the future (if there’s a future where I do this again).
Thanks Arid, I’ll seed this one indefinitely <3
Nice, thanks. When you get around to Cowboy Bebop v2, you may want to consider EG’s subtitles. They’re better than OZC’s in my opinion. Here’s a link:
Arid0914 (uploader)
@Kulott99 the only thing i’d consider is the main dialogue styling and even then i’d rather not but thanks for the suggestion
@Arcus_Deer appreciate it :)
thanks to everyone else as well
Description is missing the patch to add the TS heavy sign at the beginning of Steins;Gate 0 - 24 (OVA). Also the first spoken line of dialogue seems to have been cut compared to the old ova release version (that I used the patch on).
Arid0914 (uploader)
first line was always cut according to both this new version and the old version I have on my pc
as for the patch ill add it shortly, need to make a new one for this version
Maybe the patch re-added the line because it was cut on removal of the TS? As mine has it fine.
Arid0914 (uploader)
Epic collection, thanks so much! So happy people like you dedicate time to find best quality stuff and compile it for all of us <3
Is there a reason that the english subs are tagged as jpn? if you have
set like most subs watchers, you’ll just get signs and songs, which is specifically what you don’t want. Shouldn’t they all be tagged as eng? Note that as of you can tag them all as eng and set the signs/songs to forced and mpv will be able to handle it the way everyone wants.Arid0914 (uploader)
blame CTR and my past self for following CTR’s tagging
and yes I am aware of that commit, in due time once I hear everything is ok with MPV I will do eng for both and force signs and leave jp audio/dialogue subs default unlike the zxx for signs/songs I do now
Arid0914 (uploader)
lol i missed the crc on episode 16 wtf
It appears the OP and possibly other parts of Steins;Gate 0 (including the creditless and also ep2 and the like) are using tags
which are not valid. They are custom tags that are only implemented on specific flavors of a windows-only ass renderer fork. Notably, they are not provided by mainline libass, which excludes most anime watchers. Can you provide a patch to remove the made-up tags so users don’t get spammed by warnings for an invalid ASS stream?thebombzen
What’s not okay with mpv?
you don’t do
for signs/songs, you doeng
, which is the problemArid0914 (uploader)
@thebombzen I did in the past (like this release here), currently I do not. I won’t be making a patch for that as I’d have to go ahead and patch every previous release that did that which is more than half of them. Regarding the rnd tags, I will not be providing a patch as that is a source problem from the LostYears KFX that is present in all releases of Steins;Gate 0, thank you for bringing it to my attention and if this was to be reuploaded entirely I would go ahead and implement that change along with the tagging changes as well. But I am not interested in creating and uploading a patch for all 24 episodes + the NCs.
Would it be rude to ask for the subs? I already have Beatrice’s encodes and honestly, I am only interested in the edits you made to the subs. As far as I can tell, they are the best available.
Hydes which uses ITBD is better.

That 72 Mb subtitle file is juicy
FYI episode 17, 18 and 19 of Steins;Gate 0 are missing
ScaledBorderAndShadow: yes
in subs.stealthmomo
Wonderful. thank you