[DmonHiro] Ranma 1⁄2 OVAs (BD, 480p) :: Nyaa ISS

[DmonHiro] Ranma 1⁄2 OVAs (BD, 480p)

2021-06-11 18:06
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3.8 GiB
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Ready for some more Ranma adventures? You bet your ass you are! Time to take on an evil Oni, a pair of sisters out to take your dojo, an energy draining little girl, THE ACTUAL OROCHI, and the most feared enemy of the Tendo household: Akane’s cooking! THE HORROR!!!

Right, so here is a collection for the beloved Ranma OVAs. This includes all 11 episodes. Now, this release is a little different then usual. You might notice that it is only 480p. But why? Let me tell you a story. 7-8 years ago, the fansubbing group Doki released the first 2 box sets of Ranma in 1080p, 720p and 480p. Unfortunately, they stopped. I completed it on my own because I love Ranma, but I never uploaded it. Disregarding the 3rd box (which to be honest, is not up to standard), I believe I should release the OVAs and the movies. Why? because almost everything available to download now of BD Ranma is, in my opinion, ABSOLUTE TRASH. All because of incompetent/stupid encoders who degrained the shit out of the show. We don’t do that here.

BD video, subs form somewhere. I can’t remember, I made these in 2017. Stole the style from Doki though.

Also, Shampoo best girl, Ukyo in close second, and Akane is garbage.


PS: Let me explain about my 3rd box. Doki used ordered chapters for their release, so to keep the same “feeling” I cut the OP/ED from what I made, but I never bothered to link it to the OP/ED, so they play without OP/ED. Also, it’s 480p as well. I think it looks good, much better then that degrained garbage. If you guys want it, let me know. But don’t then bitch about how it doesn’t have the OP/ED.

File list

  • [DmonHiro] Ranma 1⁄2 OVAs (BD, 480p)
    • OVA 01 - The Curse Of The Contrary Jewel.ass (31.1 KiB)
    • OVA 01 - The Curse Of The Contrary Jewel.mkv (448.9 MiB)
    • OVA 02 - Tendo Family Christmas Scramble.ass (27.5 KiB)
    • OVA 02 - Tendo Family Christmas Scramble.mkv (439.2 MiB)
    • OVA 03 - Akane VS Ranma.ass (24.9 KiB)
    • OVA 03 - Akane VS Ranma.mkv (349.0 MiB)
    • OVA 04 - Stormy Weather Comes To School! Growing Up With Miss Hinako.ass (34.3 KiB)
    • OVA 04 - Stormy Weather Comes To School! Growing Up With Miss Hinako.mkv (354.8 MiB)
    • OVA 05 - The One To Carry On (Part 1).ass (31.9 KiB)
    • OVA 05 - The One To Carry On (Part 1).mkv (362.3 MiB)
    • OVA 06 - The One To Carry On (Part 2).ass (25.1 KiB)
    • OVA 06 - The One To Carry On (Part 2).mkv (384.3 MiB)
    • OVA 07 - Reawakening Memories (Part 1).ass (23.3 KiB)
    • OVA 07 - Reawakening Memories (Part 1).mkv (328.9 MiB)
    • OVA 08 - Reawakening Memories (Part 2).ass (21.9 KiB)
    • OVA 08 - Reawakening Memories (Part 2).mkv (313.4 MiB)
    • OVA 09 - Cursed Tunnel Of Lost Love.ass (31.3 KiB)
    • OVA 09 - Cursed Tunnel Of Lost Love.mkv (334.3 MiB)
    • OVA 10 - Hell Hath No Fury Like Kasumi Scorned!.ass (25.9 KiB)
    • OVA 10 - Hell Hath No Fury Like Kasumi Scorned!.mkv (293.6 MiB)
    • OVA 11 - Two Akanes! Ranma, Look at Me!.ass (22.1 KiB)
    • OVA 11 - Two Akanes! Ranma, Look at Me!.mkv (285.8 MiB)

Eleven episodes for the Ranma ½ OVAs? Is this all three OVA batches? Either way, dun get me too steamy I might transform :D Thank you.

DmonHiro (uploader)


This shows 3 seeds. Unless I actually downloaded this from somewhere and misremembered doing it myself (which, considering my memory is not impossible), I think the client I’m using isn’t working right.

It has three seeds here on my side indeed.
Just in case you need one to confirm it on their side too.

Also, Shampoo best girl, Ukyo in close second, and Akane is garbage.

Hahahaha! Same boy. Same! That’s quite a good laugh.
I’ve always love Shampoo and Ukyo, and even that twisted Kodachi for Ranma than the main girl.

DmonHiro (uploader)


But are you connected to them? I thought I was the only nut doing external subs. It might be a bug.

Forgot about Kodachi, but she’s more of an honorable member. She was never actually in the race since she wasn’t one of the fiancees.

But are you connected to them? I thought I was the only nut doing external subs. It might be a bug.

Yes. It’s downloading here on my side but really slow. If this is what you want to know, somehow.

Forgot about Kodachi, but she’s more of an honorable member. She was never actually in the race since she wasn’t one of the fiancees.

Sadly. I love how funny the episodes she is in are. Those monstrous fishes she keeps as pet. How she tortures Kuno and that one time she picked him up with that ribbon she has, during that rhythmic gymnastic battle she had with Ranma girl. She used him to counter that table. Hahahaha! Still gets me everytime!

By the way, thank you for all of these. We appreciate so much all your hardwork.
Ranma 1/2 is a classic and deserves more love.


Low om seeds, I’ll seed for a while when download completes.

As long as you still have the OPs/EDs for box set 3 in some form, it’s not that hard to make the ordered chapter files for the episodes. So your third BD box should be salvageable.

DmonHiro (uploader)


I don’t know… I remember not being that exact with my cuts. Pretty sure it’s a huge mess. Eh… I’ll see. Not like I never released a hacked up release before. Hatsukoi Monster… that’s a “bruh” release if I ever made one.

The BBT-RMX releases are the undisputed highest quality releases of the OVAs and movies, for anyone wondering. Too bad they aren’t on nyaa.

DmonHiro (uploader)


The BBT-RMX are absolutely the best version. No doubt about that. You just need 335 GB. If you got the space, grab that.

@Edge That one only has the main series.