Edit v2: v2 to fix a small issue where the dialogue went over the TS. should not affect much other than those starting to watch it.
Here is episode 02! Again with character building/establishing moments with Liscia and Souma, this adapts about I believe the last part of the 1st chapter and the starting of the 2nd Chapter. If anyone noticed the cgi door, it has returned for another round of itself. I really don’t know how to write these, send help.
This time round as per usual, we did our TLC & Editing (Bless Theo’s Soul) as per usual. There is only 1 annoying TS in this episode but should be good.
We finally also get the hear the ED properly. We will be releasing a v2 soon for episode 01 to fix the encode and the TS.
We removed the chuuni part. It didn’t fit well with the style we are going for.
Also put down your pitchforks, yall got better things to be annoyed at like: “why the hell Funi’s video sucks?”
Staff has been kinda finalized and our TLCer will be helping us out with episode 03, so yay.
Here is the staff for this current episode!
Encoder: Zastin
TLC: Aria
Timer: Shinon
Editor: 0x539
TS: KazuyaShuu
KFX: Shinon (OP KFX), GHS (OP Romaji Lyrics, ED KFX, ED Romaji)
Comments - 3
thank you I thought you dropped this after one episode
Thank you ~
Thanks a ton!