Higurashi Kagome is a slightly average 15 year old girl. She lives at the Higurashi shrine with her family. While wondering around the old well of the shrine, she accidentally falls in it and comes out in feudal Japan. Turns out she is the reincarnation of a famous priestess: Kikyo. Not only that, but inside her is the powerful Shikkon Jewel. One the jewel exits her body after being attacked by monsters seeking it, she has no choice but the release Kykyo’s old foe: Inuyasha. But while Inuyasha is rude, brash and very impulsive, he hardly seems evil. At least not evil enough to seal off in the first place. What happened between Inuyasha and Kikyo? And what will happen now? By accident the Shikkon Jewel is shattered into hundreds of pieces, each dangerous on its own. Kagome and Inuysaha have to travel together and find all the shards while uncovering the plot that got Kikyo killed and Inuyasha sealed.
Oh man, nostalgia central. One of my first long running anime. I love it to pieces, but I can admit it has some serious problems, mostly in charatcer growth and pacing. But I sill adore it. The animation is pretty damn good, the characters memorable and the fight exciting. Naraku is one of the biggest pieces of shit in anime histroy, while Sesshomaru is one of the coolest anti-heros ever put to film. I hope you enjoy this as mush as I do. Don’t forget to also watch the 4 movies and the final season (get Rizel). Also, since this is a huge show, let me know if you find any errors.
Series rating: 9/10
Opening & Preview (Middle-click the image to open video in new tab. Contains subtitles)
Since this release is a bit unusual, I added this FAQ.
Q: What the hell is up with the size? 158GB? Why is it this big?
A: Because the show is very grainy, had a good amount of action and at least half the action happens at night. Any less and I believe the quality would have suffered. You can’t tell me this doesn’t look good.
Q: OK, but why only the first 98 episodes are 1.5GB each? What about the quality of the rest of the episodes?
A: Well, the things is the first 98 episodes look much better. I think they were produced on film. Starting with episode 99 I think they went digital. There’s no more grain, and the colors are a bit washed out. Obviously, that compresses far better. Basically, blame Sunrise.
Q: Didn’t you already release this once?
A: Yes, but that one was sourced from the Spanish BDs. This one is from the US release.
Q: What’s the difference?
A: First off, I cropped this one. Second off, and more important, this has the missing songs that the Spanish BDs do not have because of licensing issues. Third off, this one uses internal PGS subtitles.
Q: So this is the better version?
A: Debatable. The Spanish BD has better colors, since the US still doesn’t know how to encode properly. This is why I’ve decided to leave both versions up.
Q: Where’s that OVA that was in the other torrent?
A: I decided to leave it out of this torrent. It’s not really part of this series, and if you want it, you can just grab it at the other torrent.
OK, I made a patch for episode 03. Just put it in the same folder and run the .bat. Hope it works. It did for me.
Patch for episode 03
Comments - 38
Thank you very much, enjoyed the description read :)
Anything over standard definition is a waste for this series especially since it’s one of those glorified advertisements for a long-running shounen manga, i.e. video quality was never a priority.
It’s also embarrassingly bloated. You can grab a SD batch of the whole series that’s less than 40 gigs and just fullscreen it and get the same results & with dual audio to boot if you’re one of those losers that want to watch terrible shows with even worse voice over.
Complete joke of an upload.
Woah, this is a long series. Thanks, can finally start this.
DmonHiro (uploader)
I’m going to upload a red version of the Final Act as well as the movies by Raizel, just to have everything Inuyasha.
WOW! Thank you very much man!
The first 55 episodes are the same from your previeous releases (Inuyasha 01-27 & 28-55 (US BD, 720p, v2)?
Another thing, I don’t know if your’e concider it as an error but in episode 3 at 12:22 that’s happends for a split second https://prnt.sc/1puh1at
DmonHiro (uploader)
I’ll look into fixing that frame.
Hi @DmonHiro, since you are now expert in Inuyasha :)
Which one you think is the best release ( Inuyasha US Bluray, Inuyasha Spanish Bluray , [RUELL-Next] japanses DVD)
I haven’t watch Inuyasha , so I was hoping to get the best
Sensei thank you very much,. This is one if not the best anime series yet made, for many many reasons. It includes the wonderful English voice dub which is itself one of the best ever done yet. Sadly the main voice of Kagome was too old to particpate in the last chapter and Seshomaaru was also lost to us by then. But it is right to do the dub as well if possible. but thank you for a fine release and never ever feed or listen to trolls. sadly they appear at our happiest moments this release surely being one for you thank you very much.
DmonHiro (uploader)
coco, the “best version” is debatable. The BD is not just a dirty upscale, it IS better then the DVD. But as for which BD is better, well, like I said in the description, it depends on what you want. SP has better colors, but missing songs. Though to be fair, with one exception, the songs are in the OP/ED. The US has all the songs, but the colors are not as accurate. You will have to pick. Also, the “better color” is also debatable, as it may look better or worse to some people or on some screens.
DmonHiro (uploader)
OK, I made a patch for episode 03. Just put it in the same folder and run the .bar. Hope it works. It did for me.
Patch for episode 03
Why not encode using hevc? It will save even more space with almost no noticeable loss in quality.
DmonHiro (uploader)
A couple of reasons.
So basically, it’s not worth it for me. HDD space for me is a non-issue as it’s very cheap here, and I have unlimited upload/download.
since it use the US release, is this dual audio then?
From your SP version: “I don’t think the video quality will be any better, but I’m hoping they redo the subtitles. The ones from the DVDs aren’t great. They’re decent, but not great.”
So I wanted to ask, are the subtitles better in this version? I’m willing to deal with questionable color accuracy if the subs are better.
Any chance for Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear BD?
DmonHiro (uploader)
@kaiserstar1: No, it is not dual-audio. All my releases are Japanese only.
@WaffleTiger: Unfortunately, no. Same subs.
@Titan_707: None.
could you possibly make a dual audio? if not i understand
DmonHiro (uploader)
Sorry, but no. I don’t do dubs.
Lol dude hevc encoding speed has improved considerably unless you have a prehistoric computer
DmonHiro (uploader)
Perhaps, but it’s still much longer and for no real benefit for me. So no.
@DmonHiro Thanks for the episode 3 fix :)
You freaking did it!!!
Even planning the Movies and all.
Just a shame about the colors thing. I was using your Spanish BD’s on the early episodes and they do look vivid. Now gonna have to see if the color scheme will be drastic in the US BD.
But finally, the original songs are back!!!
ALSO, FUCK JOHNNY ASSOCIATES. Sega recently has problems releasing Judgement Series due to the main character/actor (Takura Kimura) likeness being used online according to this fuckers on PC
The upcoming sequel (Lost Judgement) will be the final game to that series according to Sega.
So yeah, Fuck Johnny Associates. I don’t know how the VIZ managed to retain the songs in all of the BD’s compared to others. So hats off to them.
Also, do you know any sources for Stratos 4 Anime?
I always wanted to watch this, but it seems sources are very very scarce. I always saw the Anime in the thumbnails on Anime streaming sites back in the day.
DmonHiro (uploader)
1st off, yes, fuck J&A. Good thing that fucking ass they had for a president is dead. Pretty sure he’s betting butt-fucked by the Devil.
2nd off, the color difference from SP and US isn’t THAT glaring.
3rd off, while I will make a torrent for the rest of Inuyasha, those won’t be my encodes.
4th off, for Startos4, the KAA version is pretty much the same as the Anime-MX version, and the SS version is the only one for the OVA.
Lol these peeps wanting DUBs when there are PLENTY of Dub releases out dere… Anyhoot danke DmonHiro. Meow stop looking at Sango’s ass…
He says as he pets the Rin in his lap
@NodMan Okay, where’s a really good modern copy of InuYasha with dub? Please link us.
@Nimious https://nya.iss.one/view/1006633
Why not include chapters
Also, is it the source or encode reason for weird panning as if clipping through selective frames? Neither mpc-hc or mpv makes difference. Example, 005: 0:21:56.982 - 0:22:01.946
It seems to be the source, sadly. Don’t know about the DVDs, though…
Aww fuck mate! I’m really glad you did this.
But now, Japan has announced a NEW Inuyasha BD TV set in 16:9!!!
"For the first time ever, the full original Inuyasha TV anime series is coming to Blu-ray in Japan in a four-volume Blu-ray box set. The transfer will include an HD remaster of the series in 16:9 widescreen for all 167 episodes alongside the original 4:3 SD version that was televised. To celebrate, the original creator Rumiko Takahashi drew an illustration of the titular character.
The first Blu-ray box for Inuyasha is scheduled to be released in Japan on December 24, and include the first 44 episodes in HD widescreen and the original SD versions. With the second release scheduled for February 25, the third on March 25, and the final box on May 27. The creditless openings and endings have also been remastered for the release but will retain the original 4:3 ratio on the Blu-ray discs.
Each collection also comes with soundtracks from the seasons collected, with the first box containing the first of the Inuyasha music collections, and the other four bos containing other collections which contain the music recorded back in the early days of the series. The soundtracks “do not feature the opening and ending theme’s TV size versions”
Why am I not surprised that it’s Johnny Productions are the ones blocking the OP/ED songs, even in TV sizes.
I do not know if you can still stomach more Inuyasha. Just know that the JPN BD’s are finally confirmed :)
DmonHiro (uploader)
I have to see if they crop the remaster or not. If they crop the show to 16/9, then it’s worthless, as we will lose a lot if the image.
Why not just add the op/ed audio from the us bd to the spanish bd?
This post is in Spanish but i explain all issues in all releases from the world, UK is the only one without any issue.
hi why only 720p?
and can we use the spanish 1080 with US sound for the songs or the time difference?