Hey y’all, it’s a quick and dirty Handbrake encode of the standard bluray edition of Evangelion Q: 3.333 You Can (Not) Redo as uploaded by THE BAWS. Handbrake set to 5000 bitrate 2-pass encoding, maintain source framerate, auto crop modulus16, and using the stereo audio track rather than the 5.1.
Want a better release? I’m sure someone will indulge you. Until then, just remember–it’s NotMyRip!
Comments - 10
someone should really delete handbrake from the internet
nomakewan (uploader)
Get on it, herkz. You can make it your life’s work.
finally an encode this show deserves
Fuck handbrake and re-encoding-it’s raw bluray video and audio or nothing!!
ah yes, garbage encoding by “pro” japanese companies who don’t care about video quality at all
kick handbrake
As I hardly ever use it, I must ask: what’s wrong with HandBreak?
@DmonHiro handbrake is mostly only good for if you need to encode something without regard to the quality i don’t think it encodes dts-ma audio it only encodes the dts core witch is lossy so instead of going from lossless to lossy you go from lossy to lossy and it most likely has other issues with audio and video but that’s the only one i can think of off the top of my head but it should not be used for releases
avidemux is better i think but im not an expert
nomakewan (uploader)
Actually MeGUI is better. Or you could be real hardcore™ and just do it all from the command line like a true b0ss. Wow you don’t write your own scripts to handle input streams? What a casual!!!
But considering the color grading on the 1080p bluray of 3.333 is garbo compared to the UHD and this is literally just a quick and dirty MP4 release someone asked for in another torrent, fuggit, handbrake it is. Only downside to that is just making sure you get all the settings correct for your source since the presets in Handbrake are all absolute fucking trash. So don’t do something like encode CFR to VFR because you forgot to tick a radio button somewhere. Not that I know anyone who would make a mistake that dumb.