Yup, I’m still around. I don’t seem to have the motivation to finish releases anymore. I get a third of the way through final mux/watch and then drop them.
Perhaps I’ll cut out some of the time wasting habits I’ve picked up and get back to productive work.
I just deleted a couple of games that I’d sit and play AI matches against, and I decided to quit hustling up more gold/items on GGn. I feel freer already.
Comments - 5
you are still alive?
kuchikirukia (uploader)
Yup, I’m still around. I don’t seem to have the motivation to finish releases anymore. I get a third of the way through final mux/watch and then drop them.
Perhaps I’ll cut out some of the time wasting habits I’ve picked up and get back to productive work.
I just deleted a couple of games that I’d sit and play AI matches against, and I decided to quit hustling up more gold/items on GGn. I feel freer already.
Oh god no. We dont need retarded people like you coming back using OC and lossy audio.
Glad to see you back!!!