These are Anime on Demand WEB-DLs from before it merged with Crunchyroll.
You can find these same episodes, with the same filtering on German CR, except they’re bloated re-encodes of the videos in this torrent (with some detail loss).
Dub-only, with forced subs.
To anyone looking to use these in an encode:
The encoder at AoD added a layer of static grain, which can be isolated and subtracted from the video.
Every episode has a different seed for the grain, but it stays consistent throughout the entire episode.
These also have a bunch of blending caused by lazy deinterlacing. Some rainbowing.
AoD will be missed.
Comments - 4
Thank you uploading the whole series.
There are already some identical releases, but none of them is complete.
Are all eps are HD remastered or use old ugly master?
wave (uploader)
These are the German masters. AoD looks better than German DVD, but has blending.
These were upscaled to 720p during filtering by the encoder at AoD. SD streams were downscaled from that.
It looks worse than JP DVD except for a few episodes where the Japanese master is composite and the international one isn’t.
They’re also useful for detexting OPs and EDs.
Only really interesting to dub watchers as that’s the best German version, and to encoders who want to go the extra mile.
A proof of concept denoise to get rid of the static grain without killing detail can be seen here, with comparisons at
wave (uploader)
For those who want German numbering, these are the episodes with differences from international numbering: