shiteatersubs presents Dr. Slump & Arale-chan episode 107 in Japanese with English subtitles.
Translated & Timed by: yangwilliam88
Edited by: shiteaterbubibinman
Quality Consultant: Nanto
Special Thanks to: Chris Genro
Thanks a whole heckuva lot to yangwilliam88 for his awesome translation.
Thanks very, very much to Nanto for his contributions. If you watch this episode and think, oh my, the subs sure look great! — we have Nanto to thank for that. Visit him if you will at his amazing fansub site for more extremely professional looking subs:
Special thanks to Chris Genro for graciously donating to pay for the translation of this episode.
“After accidentally groping a strange woman’s breasts, Senbei invents the Kon-Kon Helmet, a device that transforms its user into whoever (or whatever) they wish, so he can transform into Miss Yamabuki and hide from the cops!”
Comments - 4
Sorry for the intrusion, but can you make a batch for us to download?
Thanks! downloading
I’m with frankrx2… A batch would be great!!
Niiice, thanks!