I translated and made English subs for Princess Principal Crown Handler Chapter Two. This srt file is designed to work with
the “Princess Principal Crown Handler - 02 (1280 x720 AVC).mp4” file
which is available here: https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1467556
Put both the video file and this srt file in the same directory and your video player should
recognize the subtitles and play them at the bottom of the video. Get some popcorn and beer and
enjoy the film.
Overall I think I did a pretty good job here.
There are no dumb out of place memes, forced woke politics, or other unnecessary stuff. I love Princess Principal and I hope that
other people can enjoy the second film with this subtitle file.
If other people want to make their own release, they can use this file as a start and then
make any changes as necessary.
You can direct download the srt file here: https://sendgb.com/uVzPc92oxnf
I also uploaded this subtitle file to opensubtitles so those of you who use kodi can download the
subtitles from there if you watch the video file using kodi.
If you liked this, please consider sending me a kofi as a donation. Every bit helps as I work to translate more
Japanese subculture stuff like games, mooks, manga, etc. Have a great weekend.
Comments - 8
Zer0_COOL (uploader)
There aren’t any of those. I don’t like when translators or fansubbers put that into projects.
the fact that you think they do says way more about you than them
I’m retime and change font size of your subtitle file and together with video. I’ll upload here 😁😁
delay -500
@ar7 Yeah. That’s why I’m fixing because delay sub
Pumped for these subs to include honorifics and Japanese titles in an English setting
Do you take requests (can donate)?