[Orphan] Kosuke-sama Rikimaru-sama - Konpeitou no Ryuu (LD) :: Nyaa ISS

[Orphan] Kosuke-sama Rikimaru-sama - Konpeitou no Ryuu (LD)

2022-03-31 00:02 UTC
File size:
983.7 MiB
Info hash:
Have some *Dragon Ball* Lite: the 1988 OVA *Kosuke-sama Rikimaru-sama: Konpeitou no Ryuu* (*Kosuke and Rikimaru: The Dragon of Konpei Island*). This one-shot by Toriyama Akira recycles many of the elements of *Dragon Ball* - a villain straight out of the Red Ribbon Army, absurd mecha, and of course a dragon - but it's a whole lot shorter, and there are no sequels. The original subtitles, significantly modified, were by MusicWizard. The encode is from a Domesday Duplicator rip of a Japanese lasserdisc and looks a lot better than previous versions, which were based on VHS tapes. ![screencap](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEizQHUMudIqiaDK1iJ74UfLldLaB_8xEOs452b4RoUChmTW5RjVfNleds1IvpnVWqnf8JrS7djoKo67ZQ8_k6nhZ0eN_-b64nePlD2sPLI6pzz1_RK3K26iDewdA3897AzLqp723PZ4K1gpO1letagFjLhJ2Z3zPSrYKywTeAG3QYlkOtw5CZLFxsEIOw/s640/kosuke.take1_001_28957.png) For more information, see [this blog entry](https://collectr.blogspot.com/2022/03/kosuke-sama-rikimaru-sama-konpeitou-no.html). This release, and all Orphan releases, are available for direct download from IRC bot Orphan|Arutha in channels #nibl or #news on irc.rizon.net.

File list

  • [Orphan] Kosuke-sama Rikimaru-sama - Konpeitou no Ryuu (LD) [8C1B5C45].mkv (983.7 MiB)
Orphan continuously bringing rare stuff even in 2022
Awesome. Been wanting a better copy of this forever. It looks great. Thanks.
Now we just need a better copy of Pink - Water Thieves, Rain Thieves. That would be sweet.
Could you do a DDD rip of Wizardry OVA?
Does anyone have, or know where to find, the 50 episodes Nippon Animation series Minami no Niji no Rūshī/Lucy of the Southern Rainbow of 1982?
Thanks a lot! Never noticed this before now!