Mayday! May Day! … Well it is :):)
Hi All, Here is the latest Update 1-280. As ever these are web rips for those needing.
I have finally re encoded eps 1-30 for size & crop. An extra OP + ED file is added if you wish.
Rest is same with the Extra 60 new Eps. Apologies for those waiting I had thought I’d posted up to ep 250.
In collating these 720p rip files (H264 @ 2800 kbps - WMA V2 @ 128 kbps - As Ever for compatibility :) , no matter the quality opinions (I take best I can find) I have to say thanks to most of the media sources (seems another had trouble sourcing S2) … Which are:
Season 1 = 001 - 030 - Crimson subs
Season 2 = 031 - 060 - Film Full HD 31-33 + STS Sub Team 34-36/38-43 + Rabs Channel 46-49 + Free Subs 52-60 (Whew!)
Season 3 = 061 - 100 - Free Subs 61 - 68 + Xinve Stha 69 - 100
Season 4 = 101 - 280 - IzFanMade 101 - 192 + MyAnimeLive 193 - 280
PS - As ever I will personally stop my previous seed to relocate all files here. I Thank All who continue to support seeding efforts :) THANK YOU!
Comments - 7
this is NOT anime please take it somwhere else
@AdamEve but listed on Myanimelist
Dryvern (uploader)
Technically it is called Donghua -Asian/chinese animation- hence it is allowed here. There is quite a lot of it too! Some is really really good too - Soul Land - Swallowed Star - Battle Through The Heavens - to name just the tip. Yet I think you already know this.
Yes he knows.
Dryvern (uploader)
Most Do. As all here. :) Fansubs created a wonderful industry & genre. All for the good. I am a big fan of free original fansubs… hey aren’t we all. Many thanks to the predecessors & Those here. Thank You both -w- & sameer :)
Dryvern (uploader)
Please note this Upload is no longer seeded by me personally as I have updated the file EPS 1-350 HERE:
Dryvern (uploader)
I just happened to be checking messages & looking back over this first comment, all I will say is - at times it is interesting that the strongest anti opinions are done by those with no uploads! :) No ups is fine BTW I just hope a 1.1 if not a touch more seeding is done in kind, Especially for the single uploads :)