It’s time for the Sega Master System, or Sega Mark III in Japan. Launched about two years after the Famicom, this rival had a hard time gaining followers in Japan and the US. Sega had a completely different way of making games for its system. They were the only ones actually making the games, unlike Nintendo who would also hire out studios. This means that the library for the Master System was much smaller, at a little over 300 games, but that the quality control would be, in theory, higher. The Master System wound up gaining most of its followers in Europe, especially Brazil, where the system could be purchased up until the later 2000s (well done, TecToy). Hell, almost half of the consoles sold were sold in Brazil. So with that said, let’s get to the folders.
SEGA Master System Brazil ROMs: Yup, they have their own folder. Because they have their own exclusives. Some of them are just reskins of existing games, but now featuring popular Brazilian characters. Others are ports of Genesis or Game Gear games. A few are actual original games.
SEGA Master System Europe ROMs: This is where you’ll find most of the games. Since the Master System was more popular in Europe, almost all exclusives are here.
SEGA Master System Japan ROMs: There were very few Japan only games for the Master System, since Sega was in charge of the games. And most of these you can play without actually knowing Japanese.
SEGA Master System Japan (Translated) ROMs: The ones that were text heavy were translated. Again, not many games here.
SEGA Master System North America ROMs: Yup, just 10 games were exclusive for North America. Not much to say about them.
SEGA Master System Prototype ROMs: Here’s a few prototypes that never actually made it to commercial games.
You might notice that there are no unlicensed games for the Master System. That because Sega would not allow anyone else to make games for them.
Oh, and for an emulator, I recommend Gearsystem. Enjoy.
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