Lazily fast! Not a single sign this week other than the basic ones, which helped a lot to churn this out quickly. I’m also a lot faster now when it comes to timing. Didn’t check anything before uploading so there might be some mistakes.
To explain the release schedule since people are wondering: v1s come out as fast as possible and are done entirely by me. The v2s are a proper fansub project and will take a while, with no set release schedule. They will be uploaded as they are done.
Comments - 14
Thanks for this! I’m assuming there’s gonna be a v2 coming tomorrow with AMZN audio? Or this is it?
Ep2 v2 when?
WitchyMary (uploader)
v2s are only released when they are done. ep2v2 is currently with most TS done but editing hasn’t started yet.
>when you blast so fast through the description
Based average nyaa users.
Thanks for the release appreciate the work.
So are you the only one doing a fansub for bleach right now? I’ve only seen you, and other ripping your ep1v2 subs. Anyway, thanks for your work!
WitchyMary (uploader)
@MoonlessNightss in english? i believe so, yeah
v2 waiting room simply for the honorifics track
Thank you!
@WitchyMary yeah I meant in english, thanks!
Thank you very much :) !
Thank you, as always!
Instead of the v1 / v2 thing, just use a different tag. Instead of [Lazy] maybe [Effort] (or whatever).
Otherwise it’s annoying for people who use feeds for automatic downloads.
WitchyMary (uploader)
@eXmendiC We’ve been discussing that internally. I’ll see what we can do.