Game Center CX #336 - The season finale! Ico, more like “let’s go”! | Season 25 Episode 20 | PlayStation 2 | Sony Computer Entertainment | 2001
Original airdate: March 24, 2022
Translation: Squeaky
Proofreading: Kakaricho, Skye, Specter, Tokidoki Memorial
Typesetting: Skye, Specter, witchymary
Timing: Ephemeral, Specter, Skye
Video Encoding: Skye
Special thanks & Shoutouts: GooseCanyon, GCCX General Pastebin, vaildusername16, zari-gani, Random Stranger
☝︎♋︎❍︎♏︎ 👍︎♏︎■︎⧫︎♏︎❒︎ 👍︎⌧︎✏︎ 😐︎♋︎♍︎♒︎□︎ ⚐︎■︎✏︎
LocationScouts is currently looking for people interested in translating, timing, or typesetting episodes of Game Center CX. For translators, a level of skill analogous to JLPT N2 or JLPT N1 is expected. If you’re interested, please send us an email at Please keep in mind that LocationScouts is and always will be a free passion project. We don’t want any money from you but we also won’t be able to pay you for your services.
Comments - 2
A treat tyvm