[ZG] Doraemon 1979 - 50th Anniversary Special (RAW) (1080p) (AAC 2.0) - Day 4 :: Nyaa ISS

[ZG] Doraemon 1979 - 50th Anniversary Special (RAW) (1080p) (AAC 2.0) - Day 4

2024-06-02 17:02 UTC
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File size:
2.2 GiB
Info hash:
A brand-new encoding of the 1979 episodes of the Doraemon 50th Anniversary Special, featuring better quality, organization, and smaller file sizes. Seeding may take a long time, so please be patient. As always, I can only seed for a short time, so please download and seed as much as possible if you want to see these preserved. :) Episode list: Part 1 | EP# | Japanese Title | Translated Title | |:---:|:------------------------:|:-------------------------------------:| | S04 | ぞうとおじさん | The Man and the Elephant | | 297 | ミサイルが追ってくる | Homing Missile | | S12 | 帰ってきたドラえもん | Doraemon Comes Back | | 623 | のび太の結婚式?! | Nobita's Wedding!? | | 704 | ジャイアンのファンクラブ | Gian's Fanclub | | 709 | しずかのネックレス | Shizuka's Necklace | | 794 | ハリーのしっぽ | Halley's Tail | | 796 | 地球下車マシン | The Machine for Getting Off the Earth | | 819 | 次元ローラー | Dimension Roller | | 831 | 強いイシ | Strong Stone | | 842 | 時限バカ弾 | Stupidity Time Bombs | Part 2 | EP# | Japanese Title | Translated Title | |:----:|:--------------------:|:----------------------------------:| | 847 | ゲームブック | Game Book | | 904 | ペッター | Petter | | 906 | 真夜中のお花見 | Cherry Blossom Viewing at Midnight | | 912 | 木こりの泉 | The Lumberjack's Pool | | 1059 | のび太誕生 | Nobita's Birthday | | 1074 | ドラえもんの健康診断 | Doraemon's Checkup | | 1199 | あべこべの星 | Parallel Planet | | 1401 | 人間モトクロス | Human Motocross | | 1443 | 人間機関車 | Human Locomotive | | 1462 | アマイワト | Amaiwato (?) | | 1631 | チュン太 | Chunta |

File list

  • Day 4
    • Part 1
      • 297 - Homing Missile.mkv (91.8 MiB)
      • 623 - Nobita's Wedding.mkv (147.3 MiB)
      • 704 - Gian's Fanclub.mkv (55.7 MiB)
      • 709 - Shizuka's Necklace.mkv (92.4 MiB)
      • 794 - Halley's Tail.mkv (124.5 MiB)
      • 796 - The Machine for Getting Off the Earth.mkv (128.6 MiB)
      • 819 - Dimension Roller.mkv (111.8 MiB)
      • 831 - Strong Stone.mkv (101.8 MiB)
      • 842 - Stupidity Time Bombs.mkv (84.4 MiB)
      • S04 - The Man and the Elephant.mkv (199.2 MiB)
      • S12 - Doraemon Comes Back.mkv (118.6 MiB)
    • Part 2
      • 1059 - Nobita's Birthday.mkv (74.0 MiB)
      • 1074 - Doraemon's Checkup.mkv (144.6 MiB)
      • 1199 - Parallel Planet.mkv (139.5 MiB)
      • 1401 - Human Motocross.mkv (71.6 MiB)
      • 1443 - Human Locomotive.mkv (81.3 MiB)
      • 1462 - Amaiwato.mkv (62.0 MiB)
      • 1631 - Chunta.mkv (76.7 MiB)
      • 847 - Game Book.mkv (83.8 MiB)
      • 904 - Petter.mkv (123.2 MiB)
      • 909 - Cherry Blossom Viewing at Midnight.mkv (132.7 MiB)