Credits | |
Video + Audio | DSNP |
Translation | GeeYu |
Song Translation | GeeYu |
Timing | Nojiko |
Editing | Animorphs / GeeYu / Nojiko |
Quality Control | Animorphs / GeeYu |
Typesetting | Animorphs / Sumo |
Song Syling | Nojiko / Sumo |
Notes from me
Episode 6 will be delayed as GeeYu and Nojiko will be temporarily unavailable. It may end up releasing at the same time we release Episode 7.
Regarding the extensive yap in the previous comment sections, we welcome feedback that is useful and nigh objective. To provide theoretical examples:
Notes from GeeYu
Well, the comment sections on the last two episodes were certainly… interesting.
Now, it’s my turn to yap for a bit:
Why mittens/mickey mouse -
Why remove honorifics -
You don’t have to agree with me, hell, you can hate my guts, but now you know why we did things that we did.
Also, the number of people who missed the clear sarcasm in “This was done to spite you personally” was a little concerning. Get better at interneting please.
For any feedback, please post in the comments, or contact Animorphs in the GJM or SeaDex servers.
Comments - 65
Based and Salchow-pilled, thanks
Thank you
/me gets popcorn for following comments
Honestly just stop releasing these. You guys are trash.
Admins, can the above account be distributed to someone more deserving?
holy bloat
i will stop downloading these releases to spite you guys personally
Thank-you Jesus!
you wrote Mika instead of Sis or nee-chan
Your comment sections are a farce. You’ll never reach [MTBB] Oshi no Ko - 01. Give up.
If the comment section turns into a dumpster fire, put me in the screencap!
No fun today?
We’d be done by Sunday morning if you guys didn’t trigger GeeYu and Morphy into spending an extra 40 hours each on proofreading per episode.
I honestly don’t understand why you wouldn’t just include an alt track at this point…
I know that the people behind this are more than capable of using autoswapper and having the option would instantly shut down most yap about lack of honos, especially given they were cut mid-season which imo makes it a bigger deal than it would have been if they just weren’t there from the start. I can watch with or without but switching between them mid run is really jarring.
Personally gonna wait for batch at this point, and I do hope an alt track is at least considered.
Based GeeYu. It takes true skill to make a script worse than official ones. Honestly making Crunchy dykes on twitter look good at this point.
@MegaLoser0404 The explanation is linked in the torrent description.
Medalist proves the George Smar conjecture:
The number of nyaa comments is exponentially related to the anime’s little girl density and diddy coefficient
C = e^(L * d) - 1
Reference: Nyaa-HachiRoku Theorem (Hchcsen et al., 2023)
Related works: [MTBB] Oshi no Ko - 01
poor Ryouka
@Tsukudakobashi I know reading and arguing in good faith without resorting to ad-hom might be hard for you, but nowhere did I say I have an issue with the reasoning for switching to no-honorifics.
I’m more than okay with there being no honorifics in the primary script and letting an hono track be an afterthought. But not having it as an option at all is unfortunate, when the releases started by having them in the first place.
@MegaLoser0404 I know reading and arguing in good faith without resorting to ad-hom might be hard for you, but nowhere did I say you have an issue with the reasoning for switching to no-honorifics.
Those are also reasons not to include an alternative track. Adding such an option would be unfortunate, because it means you let yourself be forced into including a worse version of your work just to have some piece and quiet. You shouldn’t let the terrorists win.
Thanks for your hard work!! Appreciate it very much! Excited for next episodes!
Wishing everyone at Salchow good luck with the IRL stuff and some well deserved rest!
People who want honourifics are terrorists now. Have you thought about removing yourself from the internet? You are ruining anime with your terrible subtitles made for low-iq idiots.
take your “high-iq smartass” out of here then, ppl will be ppl, always love to complain instead of ignoring something they dont like, kids.
pog42 been awfully silent…
I read the pastebins, and while I would prefer more direct translations over localizations, I can appreciate the thought and reasoning behind the decisions made. Thanks for your hard work!
Ignoring problems won’t make them go away. The entire translation philosophy behind this subgroup, that is to say localization, needs to be stamped out of existence for good. You hold nothing but contempt for the anime you’re subbing and for Japanese culture as a whole. Your kind is a cluster of cancer cells slowly but surely killing what makes anime good. I’ll say it again: Remove yourselves from anime subbing for good. You will not be missed.
You’ll miss us when the only people who are left in the world are people like you who have never contributed anything, ever :V
You will never be Japanese zeta
Thank you guys for doing this show. I really don’t understand why you guys are getting so many hate comments.
I don’t see what me not being Japanese has anything to do with the fact that animorphs makes bad subtitles You have nothing else of value to say?
Probably something to do with the fact that they are going out of their way to spite people in the comments from the very first release for no reason other than to farm these same “hate comments”
Don’t like it, don’t watch it.
Think you can do better than people who actually know japanese? Then do it. You have an account here, a privilege most people don’t have.
“Just do it yourself” LOL. Not a good respsonse. They know Japanese and use that knowledge to wilfully mistranslate anime.What a sad bunch. The only way I’ll be satisfied is if animorphs disappears completely. I think many will rejoice.
you will never be japanese
Very true. I am not Japanese nor do I want to be. Your attempt to incite anger in me isn’t good enough. Try something else.
@Century-Coloured-Zeta Be the solution you want to be, go fix things then.

According to the George Smar Conjecture, your score is:
Reference: Nyaa-HachiRoku Theorem
More like century-coloured-beta lmao
I would love to see a release that fixes the terrible mistranslations and locancerlisation in this script.
We need someone actually able-minded like Century-Coloured-Zeta-sensei to make it happen. @Century-Coloured-Zeta please make a real release for Medalist to show these bottomfeeder retards what correct translations look like.Cannot stand this made up bullshit… fucking Mickey Mouse, really?!
Now you’re just taking the piss. No wonder people hate you guys more every day. Antagonizing your critics and crying like a baby when people, rightfully, call out your behaviour.
I actually get paid in all nyaa comments both positive and negative and would love if you started your own subbing group to bankrupt me once and for all
wtf why is this reaching [mtbb] oshi no ko - 01 levels…
Mary come TS for us you’re basically back home again
I’m not going to start a subbing group just to spite someone. You guys seem to love telling people to go make their own subtitles instead of taking responsiblity for your own mess. Very childish response.
I’m quite pleased with my mess, despite whatever other people might think of it. Your opinion sucks and I disagree with it lol
People do all this complaining when you can literally choose what you are downloading and watching, all you need to do is just not press the download button
And if you are complaining about another group existing, please exit the rabbit hole and do something with your life, literally means nothing in the grand scheme of things
Appeal to triviality. Invalid argument. Just make better subtitles.
Well, duh. You couldn’t even if you wanted to because you are a loser without the skills necessary to do anything but make an ass of yourself in the comments. People take the piss when people like you ape around because there’s nothing else you are good for. No matter what silly insults you take time out of your day to post, it isn’t going to do anything but reinforce the belief that basement dwellers like you are not worth catering to. All this time that you waste trying to attack others could have been spent being productive, be it outside of this godforsaken website, or by making something that people like you would appreciate. If you could read between the lines you would have realised that at least some of that sentiment was not insincere, but if you had that kind of language ability you wouldn’t be in here crying about localisation to begin with.
Not reading all that lol
Y’all gotta make up and kiss already
Zeta-chan can’t wakaru the koto of your sentences when honorifics jyanai desu
Damn I got hit wit that appeal to illiteracy
Bro did NOT read Nyaa-HachiRoku Theorem (Hchcsen et al., 2023)
@mcbaws21 What’s this Nyaa-HachiRoku Theorem? And where Can I find the relevant related research paper?
@LordGrim9987 sorry one of the authors was -ZR- so i cannot share on public trackers
I remember the hchcsen your name fun.
And folks if you don’t like this release just grab the DSNP releases.
me when i forget that translation is an art, not a science
@mcbaws21 ah ok
It sucks that E06 will be delayed, but getting it and E07 at the same time will ease the pain 😄 As for the bit of belligerent mess above, I’m here for the English Dub with the very nice Signs subs 😁 Thanks for the work y’all are putting in 👏
I appreciate y’all explaining the localizations you made and giving your reasonings for them. “Mickey Mouse” is a bit cringe, but you were put in a hard spot with “Miketaro.” While I like honorifics, I’m willing to sacrifice them for the sake of not suffering through “Doggo!” and “You’re a goober like me.”
I’m not sure they are using “Tarou” as “太郎” a typical name for a boy. I think it might be “多良” because she keeps failing at the first tournament over and over again. I couldn’t find a raw scan of the manga though so I’m not sure either way.