Encoded two special episodes from the R2J out of boredom. When I’m less busy I will probably encode the full season another time since this is my fave anime series, and there isn’t really anything better out video-wise, but as of now, I might as well make these more publicly available since that will be a while. Scenes with the most abysmal mpeg2 artifacts and chroma vomit, mainly the OP (which is pretty dire still) and a few random parts were scene-filtered further to not destroy detail in other parts of the episode. Comparisons. The HDTV episodes are a recomp with more accurate colours, and doesn’t have any colour bleed, that I got rid of as best as I could in the DVD, but the HDTV caps clearly weren’t encoded with a lot of care considering the detail nuked in the backgrounds.
Subs are obviously from Doremi-fansubs.
If you run into playback issues, e.g. black bars not cropping, use and/or update mpv.
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