shiteatersubs presents Bikkuriman episode 01-03 in Japanese with English subtitles.
Translated by: Frenzy
Edited by: shiteaterbubibinman
Raw by: R-Raws
Eternal praise to Frenzy for his heavenly translation. Blessings also to R-Raws for their divine encodes.
A translation error was detected that’s crucial to the plot of Bikkuriman, so we decided to go back and amend the subs for episodes 01 and 02.
Ep. 01:
“The Devil World invades the Heavens as Prince Yamato travels to the Next World, and on his journey he saves the Cross Angel from a demonic demon intent on wooing her with its abrasive impish wiles.”
Ep. 02:
“After being split horizontally by Prince Yamato, Onigashima is powered-up by Super Devil’s underling, Satan Maria, who uses her Super-spiritual Magick to multiply him into three Onigashimas so that he may seek revenge.”
Ep. 03:
“As the gang travels forward to the Next World, they encounter an angel village being attacked by a nasty fire devil known as the Flame Wizard.”
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