20111122 Journeys in Japan - Nikko :: Nyaa ISS

20111122 Journeys in Japan - Nikko

2011-11-24 13:54 UTC
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288.4 MiB
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![Image](http://i.imgur.com/pl9Dh.jpg) Quote: Nov. 22, Tue. journeys image journeys image journeys image - Oku nikko - matagi (hunter) - Kaniyu Onsen's hot springs The World Heritage site of Nikko is about 140 kilometers north of Tokyo. With historic temples and shrines set in beautiful natural surroundings, it is one of Japan's most popular scenic destinations. On this edition of "journeys in japan," we venture beyond Nikko to a small hamlet. The residents here have worshipped the mountains since ancient times, creating an original culture in harmony with nature.Our reporter, JJ, discovers generations of wisdom based on the blessings of nature. This is a story of the people who live in sacred mountains. Matagi no sato Stall owner Shinichi Yamaguchi hunted until he was beset by an illness three years ago. He's been serving the food of matagi for 30 years as a way to share the culture of the mountains with visitors. Kaniyu Onsen Kaniyu Onsen's hot springs are located at an altitude of 1,400 meters. The hunting trophies belong to the inn's original owner. The inn is known for a warm and easy hospitality typical of remote mountain hamlets. http://www.naf.co.jp/kaniyu/ (Japanese only) Traveler: JJ Access Map Access: To reach Nikko area, take an express train from Tokyo for the two hour journey. To reach Kaniyu, it takes about one hour and forty minutes by bus from Kinugawa. It is about 90 minutes' walk from the last bus stop. `<br></br>Dropped video frames<br></br><br></br> Found average frame timing of 32.67 ms<br></br><br></br> Line Duration (ms) Time window<br></br> 25980 66 0:14:25.900 -> 0:14:25.966<br></br> 36610 2700 0:20:20.266 -> 0:20:22.966<br></br> 36611 3000 0:20:22.966 -> 0:20:25.966<br></br> 36612 3000 0:20:25.966 -> 0:20:28.966<br></br> 48740 66 0:27:13.200 -> 0:27:13.266<br></br> 48900 67 0:27:18.566 -> 0:27:18.633<br></br><br></br>Total frames: 50132<br></br>` **Thanks for the comments!**

File list

  • 20111122 Journeys in Japan - Nikko.mkv (288.4 MiB)