Well here it is nyaa. Naruto Shippuuden 427-450. Skip to the bottom for a TLDR Version.
This was a 4 month project with one real goal in mind, give the unsubbed episodes of Naruto Shippuuden the fansub treatment so when Naruto Shippuuden finally ends this year we can have a complete batch of fansubbed Naruto Shippuuden episodes and not just a gigantic HorribleSubs batch.
So what I basically did for all the episodes was ran through them and removed the new lines, added opening and ending translations, styled the episode names, did very minor typesetting (mostly TL notes when I was too lazy to TS), and styled the subs to match that of Taka/Kurama. (Rest in peace.)
This project could have been a lot longer if I would have gone through and changed all the terminology as well and that is one of my biggest regrets thinking back but oh well. In the end these are filler episodes and I doubt many will actually watch these so it’s whatever…which saddens me because some of these episodes are
absolutely amazing. But herp derp not canon why watch? Lol.
I have to give credit to xtdk for letting me use a few of his OP styles. Thanks for that man, really sped things up.
And yeah if Boruto gets animated i’m gonna do it…if no one else does it that is pretty much the same way I handled this project.
Welp, thats about it. Time for a little break. Take it from here NotWCP.
As for my next project I know many of you want me to finish Build Fighters Try since im constantly getting bugged about it. I still haven’t decided if i’m going to drop it or not yet. >__>;
TLDR version; Heres some episodes. Some suck dick, some are fucking amazing. Build Fighters Try someday. maybe.
1280x720 AAC
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