@nakhart i lied, this will take me some time, found decent source but all the subs i found are shit… need to at least edit a bit, so 2 weeks or so since i’m not done with my exams, sry
@sorin91a No problem, take your time, I still have a lot of anime series/movies to watch so yeah, I’m not rushing at all. Also, fck exams just watch anime! joke… lol goodluck.
Comments - 6
Actual netflix rip or hdmi capture?
sorin91a (uploader)
netflix rip but re-encoded
PS:seeding does wonders
can you do Gantz:0 ? can’t find any mp4 japanese audio only under 4gb 1080p reso.
sorin91a (uploader)
@nakhart sure, next week prolly
sorin91a (uploader)
@nakhart i lied, this will take me some time, found decent source but all the subs i found are shit… need to at least edit a bit, so 2 weeks or so since i’m not done with my exams, sry
@sorin91a No problem, take your time, I still have a lot of anime series/movies to watch so yeah, I’m not rushing at all. Also, fck exams just watch anime! joke… lol goodluck.