I just grabed the images from the imgur and used waifu2x to get rid the artifacts, I haven’t ripped the files. However I tried to rip the files from the game but it’s imposible, at least for me, is hard rip assets from a PSVITA game, specifically this game.
Using available public tools:
Extracted the .pkg
Decrypted the .cpk files
Extracted the .cpk files
A bunch of .bin files that apparently doesn’t have any common format, and others are .hca (audio encrypted) files.
I ended here, because I lack of skills to decrypt or something the images of the game.
@Guardianes15 Thanks to “https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1519648”, we have now 98.2% and remainig 2 imagens
Maybe we will eventually have the 2 remaining images as well
Comments - 8
Ty! Ty! Ty!
Can you also sprites from this game? Please, I really need.
BlackScience (uploader)
I just grabed the images from the imgur and used waifu2x to get rid the artifacts, I haven’t ripped the files. However I tried to rip the files from the game but it’s imposible, at least for me, is hard rip assets from a PSVITA game, specifically this game.
Using available public tools:
I ended here, because I lack of skills to decrypt or something the images of the game.
Sad this torrent is dead
@Guardianes15 Thanks to “https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1519648”, we have now 98.2% and remainig 2 imagens
Maybe we will eventually have the 2 remaining images as well
Searching I found this wiki “https://rezero.fandom.com/wiki/Re:Zero_-DEATH_OR_KISS-/Image_Gallery#Emilia” and "https://rezero.fandom.com/wiki/Re:Zero_-DEATH_OR_KISS-/Image_Gallery#Misc"
Probably what is missing could be one of those images that are in “Emilia” or "Misc"
It is my best guess
I found the “.jpg” of “FFxjJsQ.png” in this link https://kuuderesuki.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/ffxjjsq.jpg album https://kuuderesuki.wordpress.com/2017/04/06/rezero-death-or-kiss-cg/
Only last know what is “QjTAtbe.png”
We did it! We have seeds!