[OuttaNowhere] Robomasters The Animated Series - 02 (720p) :: Nyaa ISS

[OuttaNowhere] Robomasters The Animated Series - 02 (720p)

2017-10-30 03:26 UTC
No information.
File size:
319.2 MiB
Info hash:
I decided to work on Episode 2 since Oyatsu had announced they will be working on Episode 1. Thanks to @Adi for helping me out with TL

File list

  • [OuttaNowhere] Robomasters The Animated Series - 02 (720p).mkv (319.2 MiB)

Code_Senpai (uploader)

I am sorry about the seed. This is my first time uploading
They waited 3 weeks for someone to start this. And now, when they doing the WHOLE series, not ep1 only, you decide to start with ep2? Wtf man? If you want to do this, then do it properly, and start with ep1, and not justs release some random episodes!
I'm really sorry. It seems the comment I made on Atarusub's torrent, something along the lines of "We're working on episode 1 and expect it to be out be the weekend" left room for misunderstanding. We intend to work on it till the end. Ep 02 is at edit right now. Sorry for causing the misunderstanding. :)

Code_Senpai (uploader)

@Leviathan, I will try to get episode 1 out @Oyatsufs, I understood what you meant when I had started working on episode 2 and then later saw your post on your website. If you want this to be taken down, then I will do that.
Code_Senpai don't worry about it. Leviathan13 can blow it out of his ass. If he's got a problem with it then he's more than welcome to do his own encodes.
People like @Code_Senpai and @oyatsufs are what keeps me believing in life. Thanks, guys!
@Code_Senpai Who gives a fuck, do what you want. There are multiple sub groups that have subbed the same anime, why would it be different now? christ.
The hell is up with the hostile comments towards the only English release by now? @Code_Senpai @oyatsufs GJ guys, I was thinking to myself that it's a shame that none of the streaming services picked up a fairly decent Gonzo series.
bless you Code_Senpai It's better ike this, using our limited resources more efficiently.
mfw OuttaNowhere fits the situation perfectly.
I've been waiting for this! Thank you Code_Senpai! Waiting for the next episodes!


Thanks Code_Senpai and Oyatsufs for the uploads
Thanks people for hard job!!
i don't care who makes it i think all of you that spend time and effort working on Subbing these shows deserve a huge thank you. Please continue the good work and im looking forward to the rest of this show as and when it becomes available.